
Jul 12, 2029 21:19

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Comments 24

ichaa September 23 2009, 02:40:14 UTC
AVEE EDITIN LAYOUT GWWWW!!!!!! punya lo bagus mampus! :D


micodeavi September 23 2009, 10:10:01 UTC
editin apanya? udah bagus kok punya lo :O


ichaa September 23 2009, 11:41:10 UTC
punya lo indah banget yang ini! gw dari dulu aslinya mau kaya gini.. tapi ga pernah tercapai. ya sudahlah. im being weird here~ lol


pinknpuzzled October 16 2009, 04:06:38 UTC
i know you're on hiatus and not adding friends at the moment but i added you..
i hope you won't mind..



tyttacode December 27 2009, 19:07:42 UTC
Just let you know my new LJ (previous = gackt-tytta) <3


purinsakura April 22 2010, 12:05:42 UTC
onoez oAo

hiatus? such a pity orz
you is seems very cool yus ;o;
and lovin the graphics btw.

(bytheby. i is indonesian teeew. and i love matsumiya. be yous my lost sister?)
but i wont add. c: just a friendly comment.


ninomisakura June 19 2010, 18:54:14 UTC
Hi! Just wanna say how much I love your icons and Ohmiya fanfics XD
I also add you because I don´t wanna miss your next entries :D

Love love for you!


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