the continuation.

Feb 08, 2009 17:15

the crackspam of Utaoni iz back! >DD Sorry it's been delayed for a week, blame japan for it. But here, I bring you GIFs from episode 3! Which I think, is the best episode so far, because Kenta actually...smiles *___* yah, and the storyline was really interesting. For those who haven't watch it, WATCH IT NAO. look at my icon! Isn't it hardcore ( Read more... )

ohno, utaoni, picspam

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Comments 31

mitsuchan February 8 2009, 10:27:36 UTC
OMG can I use your icon too? it is kind of AMAZING XD

Thank you for posting these, they are absolutely adorable~! ♥


micodeavi February 8 2009, 10:31:45 UTC
that was fast 8D sure, you may! asdjfgk and beware the awesomeness of this icon, it's kinda sacred.

glad you enjoyed it! &hearts


thefrug February 8 2009, 10:28:58 UTC
this was awesome!! thanks, now I am ever more excited to watch the episode!! I am really attracted to Ohno smoking. Haha!!!!


micodeavi February 8 2009, 10:33:14 UTC
thank you! >D you should really watch the episode, it's really awesome and YES. The smoking parts are absolutely attractive. <3


thefrug February 8 2009, 10:34:16 UTC
Sadly, I'm sticking it out until it's subbed!! But I will squeal when I see it for sure. How can someone make smoking look so attractive!? When I smoke I just look like a tard...:(


zazasukie February 8 2009, 10:37:13 UTC
WOW his smirk/smile in the last ones pics... I'm drooling over it, can't help it... Btw, your icon is wonderful, really, really hardcore, if you ask me ^__~
I enjoyed your pic spam a lot! ^______^


k1ru February 8 2009, 11:01:49 UTC
ahahhahahah you should totally convert them into icons
ESPECIALLY THE LAST ONE LOL and the *gasp* Ohno version xD

humm 'ROMG KEERU IS HERE' sounds like the perfect line for the *gasp* HAHAHAHA

i know i'm crazy i know ; -;


seolleim February 8 2009, 11:22:22 UTC
i haven't watch this episode yet but I cracked up while looking at those gifs XD

Thanks for posting this wonderful picspam :)


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