Title: Tails From BritinLand, A sequel to Trouble
mickiebgTime Frame: Post 513
Rating: NC 17
Warnings: Extreme Silliness...
Disclaimer: I own none of this-Showtime, Cowlip and other do.
the_glamster Authors Note: This is a sequel to my first fic, Trouble. If you haven't read it, this will make no sense. You can find it here:
Trouble (
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Comments 20
Fabulous story and a great future dynamic. :D
Thanks for taking the time to read and post today, I know its a busy day for you, in fact, I just got done posting on your boards.
I still really like it! :D
xoxoxo Izzy
There is this really big Newfoundland in our neighborhood.His name is Ben and he loves to play with my little ones.He is sooo much bigger than them but he is always so gentle and kind.He reminds me of Peter every time I see him.Sadly for me his owners aren't Brian and Justin. LOL
They’re not going anywhere because they're taking their clothes off so they can get in the water and swim.
Oh yes,Peter,I'm pretty sure they're going to swim!! ;)
I love this Peter universe and I want to read more!
Soon??? ;)
This is so good!!
Brian describing how much, and why he hates Peter, hilarious!! And then Justin describing Brian, OMG you really gave me a good laugh. And Peters point of view, refering to Brian as "the scary one". So sweet and adoring. This is the funniest thing I have read in a long time. You have really written something else here!! I smiled and laughed through it all.
And in the end - "They`re not going anywhere because they`re taking their clothes off so they can get in the water and swim" - just adorable:))
I`m certainly looking forward to more:)
Thanks so much for your wonderful comments. They made my night:)
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