Title: Too young
Characters: Mohinder, Claire and Peter, mentions of others.
Word Count: 554
Rating: PG-13
Summary: AU after S1, Peter exploded in the sky, Nathan died and everybody else joined a crusade against The Company.
Spoilers: S1.
A/N: Unbetaed and needs a lot of polishing.
They have walked a long way, she was a living person instead of a scaring
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Comments 4
I think I like angst the most, in special when it comes to Paire, with their forbidden love vibe it suits them.
Peter looks at her thinking the sun comes out just in her request. It’s obvious to all of them that she thinks the world rotates because of him, that’s who they are.
I think that's my favourite sentence about them here, shows so much devotion, I imagine perfectly how they stare at each other *sigh*
Thanks for all your kind words my friend! :D
Thank you, for reading and also commenting, makes me smile.
I like the ending the most too, I usually start from there when I write.
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