Cool Off

Oct 03, 2011 02:19

Title: Cool Off
Author: wishof_wings
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: CrissColfer
Word Count: ~880
Summary: “I figured we could both use with a little… Cool off.” Darren looked purposefully over his shoulder, if only to direct a wiggle of his eyebrows in Chris’s direction. 
Spoilers: Vaguely hints at filming spoilers of 3x05
Warnings: None
Author Notes: It's only PG-13 because it says 'fuck' once. Also. I don't know what this is. I've never written RPF before and this just... Happened. This is why sleep is important.

“I’m exhausted.”

Chris slumped in the seat, the tension in his shoulders relaxing as he felt the van shift from park to drive and the hum of the engine vibrated through his body. Darren cracked open an eye, turning his head against the back of the seat to face Chris.

“I’m feeling kind of wired. You want to watch a movie or something?” There was a jittery offset to his body even as it reclined, and Chris let out a noise of disbelief.

“One day I’m going to find your battery compartment, Dare, and the world will make sense again. You realize I’m catching a plane in-” Pausing, Chris leaned forward to peer at the clock that was way too far away on the car’s radio. “Four hours. Four.” He held up his fingers for emphasis.

“That’s enough time for a movie.”


He held his hands up in surrender, but was grinning, sitting up a bit straighter and drumming his fingers against his thighs.

“I’ve got an idea.”

Chris rolled his eyes so obviously they might as well have made a noise. “The most dangerous words in the human language. Plane. Four hours.” He crossed his arms finitely, leaving no room for discussion. Or so he thought.

When Darren turned to look at him, his eyebrows were drawn up in the most pathetically adorable way and he was not using that face on Chris-Was he?

“Humor me?”

There was only a groan in response, but both of them knew what it meant. It was victory and defeat all at once, and Chris turned to pointedly look out the window. “I hate you,” he sighed, but Darren was still smiling. Chris couldn’t see it, he was pointedly ignoring looking at Darren’s face right at that moment, but Darren smiled so enthusiastically it was practically tangible.

“Sometimes,” he countered, leaning forward. “Go right up here.”

Chris scoffed a laugh, turning to look at the slope of Darren’s silhouette and smiling slightly. “Sometimes.” Darren just caught his eye, the look affectionate, before he was instructing the driver again.

Wherever Darren insisted they go, it didn’t take long to get there. They pulled into the empty parking lot of a rather sketchy looking shopping center. Chris was positive that most of the buildings around him had been empty for a little too long and he could only wonder why Darren wanted to take him to an empty building marked only with a lowercase ‘e.’ But he’d also learned that questioning Darren rarely led to any sort of answers, especially answers that made sense, and it was better to just go with it. After all, Darren had hardly led him wrong in the past (but maybe this would be the unfortunate time they somehow ended up in Mexico).

“Come on. We have to be quick.” The van door was sliding open and Darren was all but pulling Chris out of the vehicle. His eyes darted around almost instinctively, looking for anything-fans, paparazzi, random strangers mulling empty shopping centers at half past midnight. They were still in their Kurt and Blaine outfits, after all, and if they were seen…

“I figured we could both use with a little… Cool off.” Darren looked purposefully over his shoulder, if only to direct a wiggle of his eyebrows in Chris’s direction. Despite himself, Chris felt his face heat up, and he began to tug at the hand that Darren was using as a leash.

“I can’t-You did not drag me to an abandoned shopping center to-”

“Abandoned? It’s not abandoned. Shit, you get so dramatic when you’re tired.” His free hand worked up into his hair and-too late-he remembered the obscene amount of gel that was being used to tame his curls. He frowned at his hand, flexing his fingers, before moving it back into his now incredibly mussed hair to… Muss it more.

“What are you doing?” Chris hissed, still looking around in the darkness as if they might be ambushed by Ryan Murphy at any second for their unapproved detour.

“Becoming less Blaine. That’ll help, right? I’ll just be… Blarren.”

“Please don’t use fandom terms,” Chris responded immediately, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Are we done? You showed me your random, special parking lot. Can we go now?”

Darren laughed and then he was pulling again.

“If I wanted to show you a parking lot, I would have picked one much better than this. Focus, Colfer.” Darren sighed, as if he couldn’t believe Chris would think so little of him. As if Darren hadn’t waxed poetic about more bizarre things than random parking lots. “If you stopped whining for a minute, you would actually pay attention to where we are.”

Okay, Chris was not whining, and-oh.

“Frozen yogurt? Really?” In all actuality, Darren taking him to get frozen yogurt in the middle of the night wasn’t exactly strange. In fact, it was almost normal.

“Yeah. What did you think I meant when I said cool off, huh?” Darren’s eyes sparked, as if he knew exactly where Chris’s head had went and-fuck him. “I know we just spent the last three hours making out, but you’ve gotta get your head in the game.”

“If you quote High School Musical again, you’re walking back.”

fluff, crisscolfer, rpf, fic, pg-13, chris/darren

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