Title: Halfway For: Porn Battle XI (Eleven Days of Porn) Prompt: 30 Rock, Jack/Liz, under the desk Word Count: 665 Rating: R Summary: Jack wants something Liz doesn't want to give.
I got really excited because you hadn't posted something in forever and I started to worry something terrible had happened, but then you posted so I guess you're alive and that's really relieving...
And now I'm probably late for work because I had to read this before I left and it was awesome and sexy and cute and now I'm definitely late for work. Also, overusing 'and'.
So, in conclusion: I'm glad you're alive. And the fic was super!
Yep, I am definitely alive! I have felt under the weather for the past couple of weeks, though, which is why I haven't be so much with the fic finishing lately.
Thank you! :D It's a good thing I wrote something short this time so you weren't super late for work. ;)
I'll admit I was looking forward to this prompt. I like Liz standing up to him but then slowly caving to the idea once she became more comfortable with it. I like Liz-being-sexually-adventurous-fic but more so when she instigates it.
This comment is rambly. To summarize: I am so happy to read your fic again!
Comments 34
And now I'm probably late for work because I had to read this before I left and it was awesome and sexy and cute and now I'm definitely late for work. Also, overusing 'and'.
So, in conclusion: I'm glad you're alive. And the fic was super!
/runs out
Thank you! :D It's a good thing I wrote something short this time so you weren't super late for work. ;)
This comment is rambly. To summarize: I am so happy to read your fic again!
I'm glad you are! Hopefully I will have time/energy to finish one of the longer fics I'm working on.
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