Title: Not So Hard To Tell
drabble123Fandom: 30 Rock
Pairing: Jack/Liz
RomancePrompt: #9. Memory
Rating: PG
Word Count: 300
Spoilers: "Subway Hero"
Summary: Jack can remember the moment he fell in love with Liz.
Disclaimer: Not mine. Don't sue.
Jack can remember the moment he fell in love with Liz; or, to be more precise, the moment he allowed himself to acknowledge that he'd fallen in love with her. (The actual slip past mere infatuation and into something deeper was surely more complicated than a second could allow.) It was after he'd gotten rid of Dennis (for her benefit and because his fifteen minutes only lasted three days).
But it was mostly for Lemon, though Jack was certain he was inspired less by jealousy, more by a desire to not see her backslide into old habits she should have never acquired. (Being the Beeper King is so lacking in prestige, Jack believes the phony title belittles actual royalty.) He was absolutely certain, until he wasn't. Until she knew and he pretended it was laughable, until she joked back and insisted the pocket deep fryer would sell. (Well, she was probably a bit serious. She doesn't often joke about things which quickly and conveniently cook food.) He felt charmed, couldn't help but smile and he knew, suddenly and truly, that he was in love with a woman who would own a pocket deep fryer. And it, oddly enough, felt right.
Jack knows Liz doesn't remember the moment when she acknowledged to herself that she loves him; she hasn't had it yet. If she had, Jack's sure he'd know. (She's easy to read, especially in matters of the heart.) But she will. He knows this not because he's innately lovable (though he's aware of his appeal), or because he's never been in unrequited love (that's for poets and other defectives), but because... he can sense she's on her way to feeling the same about him.
And, honestly, she's given Dennis several chances; it would only be reasonable for her to give him one.