Title: One in a Million (Or Slightly Less)
drabble123Fandom: 30 Rock
Pairing: Jack/Liz
RomancePrompt: #15. Date
Rating: PG
Word Count: 300
Summary: Jenna is jealous.
Disclaimer: Not mine. Don't sue.
Jenna is jealous. Because this time she's convinced Liz went on a date with Jack.
"Oh, no, it was not a date." Liz shakes her head vigorously. "No, no. But I need to know what it was. That's why I'm talking to you."
"And I'm telling you, Liz, you went on a date. If he kisses you after he takes you out to dinner, you've been on a date."
"He kissed me on the cheek. My dad has kissed me on the cheek."
"Your dad's not hot."
Jenna leans away from Liz. "You don't think your dad's hot, do you?"
"No, gross. I'm saying I don't know what my dad has to do with anything. It's not like if I did have a hot dad--" Liz sighs. "Forget it. It wasn't a date."
"What did Jack say?"
"About what?"
"About whether or not it was a date."
"I didn't ask him."
"Why not?"
"Because I'm afraid he's going to say it was a date."
Jenna nods. "You definitely went on a date with Jack."
"How can you blerg this? Do you know how many women fantasize about him coming in their dressing rooms while they're changing and realizing, right then and there, that he must feel the smoothness of my skin under his big hands--"
"Yeah, you're not talking very generally there."
"I said 'they.'"
"And 'dressing room' and 'my.' Fine, there are probably plenty of women who'd do it with Jack, but there are also plenty of women who've done it with Jack. I'm not going to be another lady that Jack boffs just for the experience of it. But, you know what, none of this matters. Because it wasn't a date."
"It was."
Okay, it probably was. But it's not going to happen again.
Yep. Not in a million years. Even though she didn't not enjoy herself--
She's probably going to go on a second date with Jack.
Double blerg.