Title: This is Everybody's Fault But Mine
drabble123Fandom: 30 Rock
Pairing: Jack/Liz
RomancePrompt: #20. Writer's choice
Rating: PG
Spoilers: "Greenzo"
Word Count: 300
Summary: Liz thinks she would've had a thing for Jack from twenty-five years ago.
Disclaimer: Characters are Tina Fey's. Title is from Homer Simpson. Don't sue!
Liz thinks she would've had a thing for Jack from twenty-five years ago. Maybe. Because, well, he's not ugly. But one of the irritating things about him is he knows he's not ugly. And just because he would've been super-liberal doesn't mean he'd be sans ego. But then his cockiness might've been balanced out by reasonable personal beliefs. He'd say things entirely opposite to what he comes out with now. Like, "I don't have contempt for the poor," and "Reagan isn't the greatest man who ever lived." Or less stilted comments that essentially have such meanings. He'd be passionate about honorable things, and maybe that'd make him more humble, and they'd treat their dreams of universal health care as foreplay.
Whoa. Where did that come from?
Point is, if Jack were a Democrat, she'd do it with him.
Wait. That can't be the point. Because even if Jack had stayed a Kennedy-loving Democrat, he could still be her smug boss who believes she needs to be fixed, and voting for Kerry wouldn't cancel that out.
But it'd make it somewhat more sensible for her to find him attractive. Not to say she does. He's just not unattractive. A lot of people are not unattractive and she doesn't want to sleep with them. She also doesn't ponder scenarios by which it would be acceptable to want to sleep with them.
Fine. Maybe she does find Jack somewhat appealing. But it doesn't matter because she's never going to sleep with a conservative Republican, no matter how sexy his voice is.
God, what is wrong with her?
She's got to stop thinking about Jack's Democratic past. It's rotting her brain.
Right. It's what Al Gore said that's the problem. Not the fact that she's fairly sure Jack-as-he-is-today could talk her into bed.
Yes. Stupid jerky vice president guy.