Title: Oh, The Places You'll Do It!
drabble123Fandom: 30 Rock
Pairing: Jack/Liz
RomancePrompt: #18. Rare
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 300
Summary: Jack wants to have sex with Liz everywhere.
Disclaimer: Not mine. Don't sue.
Jack wants to have sex with Liz everywhere. His office, her office, bathrooms, cars, empty movie theaters. (Feeling his fingers slide up the inside of her thigh cleared up why he insisted they see The Hottie and the Nottie. Craving a deserted place to have public sex is the best reason to see that... thing.) Honestly, all this sex is starting to weird her out. Not even for the reason she'd assumed it would. Because she feels he must be bored with her, if he's always thinking of new places to do it. When she brings up this concern to him, he scoffs.
"If I were bored, I'd stop having sex with you or discuss what we could do to improve our sex life. My desire to make love to you in numerous places implies the exact opposite of boredom."
"Oh. Good."
"Additionally, I think it best you expand your sexual horizons. You can't spend your whole life having sex only in a bed." He says this like it's the worst thing she could do to herself. "I must say, introducing you to new ways of copulating has been highly satisfying. I'm sure you've limited yourself to missionary and some cowgirl in the time prior to our relationship. You didn't even try cowgirl in its reverse form before me, did you?"
"No," Liz admits.
Jack nods, smiling. "You don't find that in women your age. You don't find that in twenty-year-olds."
"Wow, you really turned that compliment into something not complimentary."
"If it makes you feel better, it's not just your relative lack of experience that stimulates me. There's also your surprising passion. My affection for you. Not to mention your breasts."
"You're thinking about having sex with me right now, aren't you?"
"Yes. You should be flattered."
"I kinda am."
And they add 'elevator' to the list of places they've had sex.