Title: Like Ellen In Reverse. Hypothetically Speaking, Of Course.
drabble123Fandom: 30 Rock
Pairing: Jack/Liz
RomancePrompt: #3. Comfort
Rating: PG
Word Count: 300
Summary: "I bet there are lesbians who think about having sex with Jack."
Disclaimer: Not mine. Don't sue.
"You shouldn't feel so freaked out about it. I bet there are lesbians who think about having sex with Jack."
This doesn't calm Liz's nerves, but it does prove that telling Jenna about this... whatever was a terrible idea. Truth be told, if she weren't kind of drunk and if Jenna hadn't been going on about how she read in some women's magazine (for jerks) that women who don't desire sex might have a disease (depression or dysentery... it was something with a d), Liz never would've said she does think about sex. "I think about how boring it is," she added, so Jenna persisted with her 'you do have a disease' thing, and that secret, that hideous secret, came spilling out.
"If I were a lesbian, I'd still think about sleeping with Jack."
Liz tilts her head. "Why are you obsessed with lesbians all of a sudden?"
"I'm not. I'm only saying you shouldn't have a meltdown about wanting to have a night of pleasure with a handsome man."
She says this with a smile and a soothing tone, like she's the spokesperson for Jack Donaghy Fantasies, Inc. Maybe she is.
Nah, Jack would never hire her.
"That wasn't a meltdown. I just said I know finding him attractive is gross, wrong, and proof I've gone insane. Maybe I had a little meltdown."
"And you shouldn't. It's empowering to take charge of your sexuality. Embrace it, Liz, celebrate it."
"I'm not celebrating sex, especially not imaginary sex with my boss."
Jenna shakes her head. "I'm a much better feminist than you are." Before Liz can counter: "If it'd make you feel better, I could tell you my Jack fantasies. My favorite is the one where he takes me to FAO Schwarz--"
"Okay! Feel better already."
Liz resolves to get them both drunk enough that they won't remember this conversation tomorrow.