Title: The Universe's Cutest Couple
drabble123Fandom: 30 Rock
Pairing: Jack/Liz
RomancePrompt: #17. Sweet
Rating: PG
Word Count: 300
Summary: In Jenna's estimation, everything that happens between Liz and Jack is 'sweet.'
Disclaimer: Not mine. Don't sue.
In Jenna's estimation, everything that happens between Liz and Jack is 'sweet.' Jack touching her arm. Jack buying her a hot dog. Liz buying him two hot dogs. Jack holding a door open for her. Liz straightening his tie when it wasn't necessary. Even she and Jack yelling in unison at Kenneth during a time of stress is 'sweet.' Also, proof that they're perfect for each other.
That habit is more delightful than Jenna's desire to hear details about their sex life. (Apparently, Jenna thinks Liz dislikes sex talk because she doesn't 'usually sleep with anybody hot.' That's an incorrect assumption. As was her belief that Liz would reply to the question, "What's Jack's penis like?" Well, Liz did respond... by choking on her Snapple and saying, "So, how about that... sports team, huh? Great, right? I'm going to leave now.") But it's still weird, because they're not that sweet.
"It's just normal stuff. Normal stuff that happens between people who are dating and who eat hot dogs. So."
"I don't know why the word sweet bothers you."
"It's not the word," Liz says. "It's the incorrect use of the word. I'm a big fan of the dictionary."
"Fine, you're not the cutest couple ever."
Liz rolls her eyes at Jenna's smirk.
Over dinner, Liz asks Jack, "Do you think we're sweet?"
"In the way of candy or of a complex skateboarding trick?"
"Like an extremely adorable couple."
He swirls the wine around in his glass. "I don't know that we're the type of people who are meant to be adorable. That seems a tad overboard."
"That's what I've been saying." She puts up her hand for a high-five. "Don't leave me hanging."
Though he does look at her like she's kind of crazy, he doesn't leave her hanging.
When she tells this story to Jenna, she calls it 'sweet.'
Goddamn it.