Title: The Flower of My Secret (Not an Almodóvar Film)
drabble123Fandom: 30 Rock
Pairing: Jack/Liz
RomancePrompt: #16. Rose
Rating: PG
Word Count: 300
Summary: The morning after her first actual date with Jack...
Disclaimer: Not mine. Don't sue.
The morning after her first actual date with Jack, she finds a rose on her desk, along with a note that says, 'I enjoyed our evening together.'
(FYI, she didn't sleep with him.)
She smiles. This is... kind of adorable. And she had a good time last night, too.
(A better time than she actually thought she would.)
After a quick knock on the door, Pete enters. Liz jumps back, shoving the note in her pocket but forgetting to do anything with the flower. "I don't have this rose for a secret reason."
"Okay," he says slowly. "What's the secret?"
"There is none. None! That's why I said what I said, so--"
"Fine, I don't care."
(Thank God this wasn't Jenna. That conversation would've lasted for hours.)
After Pete leaves, Liz puts the rose by her computer. An hour later, Jack comes into her office without knocking. At this point, she has it against her nose, sniffing it. She's entirely certain she looks ridiculous.
He closes the door. "I suppose you appreciate my gesture?"
For some reason, she's still inhaling the scent. "Yes." She puts it down. "Though..."
"You didn't want to spring for the whole bouquet?" she teases.
"I thought a single flower would be more intimate, less... ostentatious. When you buy a woman a bouquet, she knows you're desperate for her affections. It's the beginning of scaring her away."
(She wouldn't be scared away. At least, she can't imagine walking away now.)
She tilts her head. "I think you've thought about this more than most women have."
"It's good to be one step ahead."
"You know, maybe you shouldn't tell me your secrets of seduction."
"I've always been honest with you. I don't see why that should stop because I'm romancing you. So, would you like to accompany me to dinner tonight?"
"I'd like that a lot."
(After he leaves, she goes back to smelling the flower.)