Title: There's Only One George Clooney
Fandom: 30 Rock
Pairing: Jack/Liz
drabbles100 #012. Grey
Word Count: 412
Spoilers: "Hiatus"
Rating: PG
Author's Notes:
Table is here.Summary: "Maybe you should try not dyeing your hair for a while."
"Maybe you should try not dyeing your hair for a while."
"I don't dye my hair," Jack replies. Liz stares at him incredulously, and he counters with a stare of suspicion. "Have you been talking to my mother?"
"Sometimes," Liz admits. "She thinks I'm awesome."
"And I'm sure she used that exact word." Jack is still for a moment, evaluating her with his eyes. "I don't know what you angle is, Lemon, but I can't just let my hair go grey. When such a time comes, of course. If I did, it would diminish my looks. People would perceive me as weak and old. I'd never get my microwaves back--"
"And the skies would rain fire?"
"I don't understand how you can mock a principle that I'm sure even you're aware of: grey hair is a hindrance."
"What about George Clooney?"
"George is on a different level than other men; his power and sexuality are so strong they can't be diminished by anything, let alone the color of his hair."
Liz hesitates. "Are you dating George Clooney?"
"No," Jack says. "Nor do I wish to. But there are some things my deep-rooted heterosexuality can't blind me to."
"Okay. So, I should tell your mother that you're going to keep dyeing your hair and that George Clooney is your boyfriend."
"Go ahead." Jack leans back in his chair. "I'm sure the shock of my foray into homosexuality will be lessened by the fact that she'd find him a more suitable partner than most of the women I've been involved with." As explanation, he adds, "She loved One Fine Day."
Liz scrunches up her face. "It's possible to love One Fine Day?"
"Don't say that to Mother. She'll say..." His eyes widen briefly, as if he's remembering something traumatic. "...horrible things to you."
She nods. "I'll keep that in mind." She pauses. "For what it's worth, I think you'd look good with grey hair."
"No, I wouldn't." He narrows his eyes. "What is your angle, Lemon?"
Liz sighs. "I have none. I'm angleless. I'm just trying to make you feel better about yourself."
"Very well. Don't tell me what you're getting at." He nods. "I'll figure it out."
"Ugh. I'm just trying to give you a compliment. You're so annoying."
"Did my mother tell you that, too?"
Liz rolls her eyes as she walks to the door. At least she has another incident to complain about when Colleen Donaghy next gives her a call.