
Aug 14, 2007 07:51

Despite practically falling asleep on the sofa, such was my tiredness, I still only managed to get a tiny bit of sleep.  Pink and I are flat-sitting for a couple of friends who are currently enjoying the delights of Italy.  The bedroom I'm occupying is practically a furnace.  I could open the windows in an attempt to let some air in to cool the place down, but the other downside about this particular room is that it faces on to one of the busiest road intersections in Stoke Newington.  The traffic is relentless, no matter what time of day or night, and it would seem that every sodding bus in London uses this particular route.  Throw in the trains chundering past at the back of the building, and a rowdy late licence pub across the road, and you have all the ingredients for grumpy irritability, black bags under your eyes, and the certain knowledge that you're going to fall asleep in the middle of the dull work away-day that you have to attend today.
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