Secret Santa 2013 revealed!!!

Dec 25, 2013 18:04

So yeah! I finally manage to finished all the request and I'm going to post it here.

I'll be separating them into 2 groups, which is ' Request ' and ' Gift '

A mail will be send to you guys regarding whether your work is under Request or Gift. Then you can check and get your artwork here. Respective art belongs to respective owner, which is me and also the receiver, which is you. The artwork that's been drawn for you, you are allow to used it and post it in your blog or whatever you like to do with it. ( Just make sure that the artwork still looks the same even before and after. )

Other than that, enjoy you're Secret Santa Gift from me~ :)

Warning: There might be Rating contained. So younger viewer be warned!

I was lucky that I actually enjoy drawing all of them especially even those other pairings~ It's just fun to learn new things about other people pairings~ XD Anyway, I will put up some note of what I think about the artworks too~ :)

To: vaysh11

Pairings: Albus/Draco
Title: Secret Lover
Notes: Merry Christmas to you~ Anyway, I won't say Albus/Draco pairings is weird,
but it's more of like an unexpected thing for me. But I did had fun drawing them,
so no worries~ Hope you like it~ :)

To: 0idontknow0

Pairings: Draco/Harry
Title: Snuggling by fireplace
Notes: Merry Christmas to you~ I'm bad at drawing Draco with
long hair! OAO||| I'm sorry if it looks weird. Hope is okay~

To: birdsofshore

Pairings: Draco/Harry
Title: Secret Admirer Present
Notes: Merry Christmas to you~ Here you go, it was a little hard for me to draw the
distance between Harry and Draco in a small canvas. So I made a divider between them
stating that one is seated onthe Gryfindor table and the other on the Slytherin.
And I decided that the present would be a kitty~ :)

To: idikehaine

Pairings: Draco/Harry
Title: Missed you
Notes: Merry Christmas to you~ I love Draco and how he reacted to
Harry sudden appearence~ :) Thanks for requesting such fluff prompt for me to draw~

To: susannah_wilde

Pairings: Draco/Harry
Title: Decorations
Notes: Merry Christmas to you~ Veela!Draco for you. I'm pretty new at Veela,
so sorry if it looked weird. Made Harry bring cocoa for him~ <3

To: kitty_fic

Pairings: Draco/Harry
Title: Snuggling in Bed
Notes: Merry Christmas to you~ I made Harry kiss Draco on his forehead :)
Anyway, place some presents and teddy to make it more
Christmasy. (Again, thanks for the userhead~) <3

To: lyonessheart

Pairings: Draco/Harry
Title: Baking with Ron
Notes: Merry Christmas to you~ I'm bad at titles! LOL! Anyway, there's the Ron in the bg and
a happy couple baking together~ :)

To: kedavranox

Pairings: Draco/Harry
Title: Sunny Day
Notes: Merry Christmas to you~ Gosh, when I draw Draco here, it reminded me of Tom Felton.
It's like I'm drawing Tom Felton more than I'm drawing Draco. You requested a
Draco with shoulder length hair tied to the back, wearing stripe shirt, stuble, adam apple ...
it's TOM FELTON!!! *Laughing so badly* Anyway, hope you like it~ :D

To: sassy_cissa

Pairings: Draco/Harry
Title: A sip of hot cocoa
Notes: Merry Christmas to you~ You asked for something simple and christmas and
here you go! Draco taking a sip of cocoa from Harry's mug~ Harry being very cautious to
make sure that Draco doesn't burn his toungue while he drinks it.

To: knowmefirst

Pairings: Snape/Lupin
Title: Holding on you
Notes: Merry Christmas to you~ Snape and Lupin is new for me too. First time drawing them.
Hope you like it~ :)

To: gracerene

Pairings: Draco/Harry
Title: Warmed
Notes: Merry Christmas to you~ Draco and Harry kissing outside
the school ground. Where Draco wrap his scarf around Harry
since he forgot to bring his along.

To: alley_skywalker

Pairings: Antonin/Pansy
Title: Found
Notes: Merry Christmas to you~ I am totally alien to this pairings!
Hopefully I didn't ruin the drawing or drew the wrong person in it.
I had no clue who the heck is Antonin even after i googled him.
Sorry if I had drew the wrong person! ><|||

To: harry_lover88

Pairings: Harry/Romilda
Title: Over my hot body
Notes: Merry Christmas to you~ Gosh! Sorry for the derpy tittle! ( I'm suck at it.)
I had no idea whats their chemistry. Are they lover or not, but I was requested to
draw Romilda who finally laid her hand on Harry who is being resistant and pissed of about it.
I'm gonna say that I did enjoy drawing naked harry for once :D

To: ladysugarquill

Pairings: Harry/Ginny
Title: Picnic on Christmas
Notes: Merry Christmas to you~ Harry and Ginny! :)
I really enjoyed drawing them even though they were not my OTP.
They looked really happy together~

To: hderised_mod, faithwood, marguerite, melusinahp

Request from: vaysh11
Pairings: Draco/Harry
Title: Hiding
Notes: Merry Christmas to you~ Draco and Harry hiding from death eater, where
Harry tries to lit the candle with his wand.

To: asnq8

Request from: 0idontknow0
Pairings: Draco/Harry
Title: Morning kiss
Notes: Merry Christmas to you~ Morning kiss from Draco to Harry
who's still lazily lying on the bed.

To: omi_ohmy

Request from: birdsofshore
Pairings: Goyle/Luna
Title: Poetry
Notes: Merry Christmas to you~ I'm not sure if I had draw Goyle correctly but I definately love Luna here.
Anyway, hope you like it~ :)

To: sksdwrld

Request from: kitty_fic
Pairings: Draco/Harry
Title: Naughty Draco~
Notes: Merry Christmas to you~ I was requested to draw a kinky something.
And I had no idea what it is and have to went google for it.
I came to a conclusion that kink is something pervert and naughty.
So here you go~ Draco wearing a cat ear with loose clothes while
Harry is there to tease him~

To: saras_girl

Request from: lyonessheart
Pairings: Draco/Harry
Title: Teatime
Notes: Merry Christmas to you~ I hadn't had the time read the Christmas fic yet,
but I'll make sure I'll do in the future!

To: trobadora

Request from: fluffyllama
Pairings: Snape/Sirius
Title: Tailing
Notes: Merry Christmas to you~ Was asked to do a Snape and Sirius thing or just
Snape being his grumpy self and decided to do both of them.
Oh gosh I love Sirius being a dog following Snape around~ :D

To: slowroad

Request from: sophie_french
Pairings: Draco/Harry
Title: BFF
Notes: Merry Christmas to you~ You want fluff, I give you fluff.
This is all the fluff from me! Harry and Draco being best friends or more~ :)
This is the fluffiest I had drawn. Hope you like it~ :D

To: stephaniejo84

Request from: digthewriter
Pairings: Draco/Harry
Title: No break
Notes: Merry Christmas to you~ Was asked to draw Harry and Draco
looking through their Auror files without having a break and they were suppose to have fun?
So I decided to draw Draco sitting on top of Harry where Harry was okay with it.
Stuff Auror do together I tell you ...


To: calrissian18

Request from: witchyemerald
Pairings: Draco/Albus
Title: Ghost of Manor
Notes: Merry Christmas to you~ Oh gosh! I want to read this fic even thought
the pairing is not what I had expected! Please send me the link to this story!
The description given to draw this request was so good that I want to know more.

To: lore ( Snupin Santa Holiday Fest Organisers and Participant )

Request from: Annonymous and requested to stay so.
Pairings: Snape/Lupin
Title: Fireworks
Notes: Merry Christmas to you~ Not a very obvious Snape and Lupin
since they're watching firework and we are viewing them from the back.
Lupin was suppose to kiss Snape in the cheek, but guess I screwed it up. O_O

To: fantasyfiend09

Request from: dracogotgame
Pairings: Draco/Harry
Title: Huggies
Notes: Merry Christmas to you~ Harry and Draco chilling by the fireplace with their cat~

To: obliqueo

Request from: slashedsilver
Pairings: Draco/Harry
Title: Mistletoe magic
Notes: Merry Christmas to you~ Magic mistletoe that bound any 2 random person who got close to it or
never even got close to it, and guess who were they?
I would say ' Soul mates! '

Gosh! Finally able to post up everyhting. My firefox died on me when I was uploading this up. It got so slow at a point where it took me 2 hours to puts up the artwork and type in the notes and everything. Glad I'm able to finish this~ :)

digital painting, 2013, drarry, harry potter, secret santa

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