Last Tuesday night was TVR's 1st official bout - we had a private bout for friends/family to get the feel of how to run the show as well as make sure the girls felt comfortable in front of people. For days before the bout, I was nervous with anticipation to the point of insomnia, which isn't something that usually happens to me! We only had the rink for a total of three hours, so we had to consolidate the event quite a bit (ie. No Halftime). Short and sweet - we started with the pledge, team/ref introductions, a brief explanation of the rules and then the first whistle blew!
My team, the Devil's Darlings, was first to bout - up against the dirty Derailers! As soon as the whistle blew, all of my nerves went away and it was down to business! I jammed in the second jam, but it wasn't one of my finest moments - I didn't manage to score any points. I got knocked down (which doesn't happen nearly as often as it used to!) by Ruthless Raven, right on my existing left ass bruise. Certain types of falls really take a lot out of me - that one was no exception. It wiped me out and I ended up skating better in the 2nd period after the adrenaline from the fall wore off. The rest of the game I was mainly a pivot, and did a few jams blocking. I love my team, but some of the gals are still a little more inexperienced at bouting (not like I'm some serious bouting expert, but a lot of our girls have been bouting since last July, I believe), so I sometimes feel like I have to leave my position as pivot to help assist. I am confident that we'll improve as a team over time, but it takes just that - TIME! One of our best players (league and team) Jilldozer had a pretty bad fall, but it resulted in an awesome clip that SLAManda
posted up on YouTube. When 'Dozer fell, SLAM jumped over her (it's around the 55 second mark). SLAM also posted up
this link of another jam during our bout. This one I got called out for my 4th penalty and I do a nice slide out on my stomach. /sarcasm
Darlings ended up losing to the Derailers that night, but it wasn't too bad, we lost by 16 or 19 (65 to 84 or 61 to 77) so we felt pretty good about that. There is some question about the scoring and we're still trying to work that particular factor out so it's not a problem. As you can tell by that spread, the two scorekeepers didn't really match, so we're not sure what is accurate! I'm really proud of the Fresh Meat and the refs for the fantastic job they do in judging such a crazy and fast sport! I especially love having my brother (
komba/Beelzeboss) on the league - even if he calls fouls on me! Hahaha!
B-Town Batallion took on the ladies of Cell Block B. They had a good match, but B-Town won with their brutal blocking! I have to say that one of my favorite skaters to watch on our league is B-Town's Bar Scar Sally - she looks like a beautiful shark swimming and going in for the kill - only on skates. She's so graceful and smooth! Darlings bout against B-Town on the 21st, and we're all ready for that public debut bout.
The TV spot that was filmed about us aired - it's online now at - in the videos section, it's the one titled Rolling with the Punches. Channel 6 ended up giving us 4.5 minutes - channel 2 only gave us a minute and a half! So that was AWESOME! Also at the bout Tuesday, a reporter and photographer from Thrive magazine came out to get pictures and information for a story they're doing about us for next week. I guess they interviewed each of the team captains and are doing a little piece on each of the teams. That will be cool to see! The photographer was sitting by the Darlings at one point and I asked him what he thought - he said that he was impressed with how much better we've gotten since his article on us in August! That was cool to hear! I had quite a few spectators in the audience - my parents, Bucky & LaJolla (my dad's parents), Cain,
frootijen, my neice,
bjemama and
jenns2boys all came. I totally appreciate all of their support! I guess B and Jenn were plotting with Back Aly Bludgeoner's parents to work out the logistics so that the Devil's Darlings had the best cheering section - which would be AWESOME!
I am so thrilled with my skating of late. I'm not being smug or braggy here, but there really was a time (a LONG period of time - like six months or so!) when I didn't even think that I would ever be able to get to the point to be able to be competent enough to do an actual bout, but I hung in there and worked my ass off. Now I feel as if I'm a pretty darn decent player, which only got better when I got my new
265s in December (seriously, I can't believe how much of a difference the 265s make in my skating compared to my first pair - the
Rock Speed Freaks). Another thing I was surprised about was that I wasn't nearly as tired as I expected to be after the bout ended! In fact, I was pretty energized and honestly felt HIGH through the next day even!
I felt like the crowd responded very well - the firefighters from across the street even came over to check us out! My dad, who isn't the first person to make compliments about things, said that he thought that this would really be big in the valley and that he thought our team themes will be popular. It was nice to hear that from him! My grandparents also were thrilled with the exhibition bout - but then again they met in a Roller Rink! :) Smashley (my niece) kept telling me that I was scaring her! I couldn't decide what to do with my make-up, so I just made 2 black eyes and outlined them in red liner - plus dark red lipstick....and my sparkly red devil horns! The Darlings still weren't all in our official costumes (for the expo season). We have our tops - red wife-beaters with our logo on them. About half of the girls ordered red/black cheerleading skirts, but I didn't want to do that, so Stiletto Syko's mom is getting some of us black skorts from
RinkRashSkateWear and she's gonna bling them up for us. Until those come in, we wore some pretty awesome vinyl skirts that Scarlet Danger made for us the night before!
I still feel a huge rush and I'm super excited for the 21st! After Tuesday night I know it will be an awesome show! I'm also excited that a group from Lava City will be over, as well as at least one Salt City skater!