Sep 05, 2006 21:39
Heeeey! Whoa, I haven't updated this thing in a LONG time, so I thought I'd do so! PLUS, I want to give Kaitlin an option to write a funny comment [no pressure Kit Kat lol]
So lets see. Where did I leave off? Ah yes, summer...
Well, it ended way way too fast. I would've loved to be around for another few weeks to spend time with everyone. I was SO bummed when I left you don't understand, but I took everything in those last few days: every smell, touch, landscape during car rides, people's laughs, etc The list goes on and on. I was really glad that Suvannah came with me on move in day. I honestly don't think I would've handled the move in as smoothly as I did if she wasn't there for me that day. When she left, oh man, that was a killer. Being alone for the first week was a major downer. I wanted to go home every 2 seconds. I almost hated this place. Once classes started everything was a lot better. I met some pals and so now I got people to kick it with and they're good kids so I'm happier. I still miss everyone back at home a LOT though. None of you guys have left my heart don't think that for a second! I should be coming home this weekend sooo yeah that should be cool man!
Hopefully school is going well for everyone out there! I know I'm doing a whole bunch of reading. I want to shoot some people! haha
Later Days