1) Law is so much easier when I've slept, eaten and am not feeling stinking ill. IN fact, unless really necessary, I just shouldn't even try law in that state
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I used to have horrible trouble reading it at school. I'm managing OK when they write things on the boards, though, so fingers crossed.
On examination, my handwriting is no worse or better. It just has extra loops, making "n" look like"m" and "m" look like a child's drawing of the sea's surface upside down and "nn" in words look like the Loch Ness Monster came along to have a look.
And sleeping and eating are GOOD. They increase efficiency by hundreds and hundreds of percents, apart from anything else, so you'll save time overall!
Very much so. Every time I have one of my phases of not eating properly/not eing hungry and unable to force myself to eat enough, I always end up remembering that eggs are easy to eat and versatile and simply delicious, and then I eat proper food again and all is well.
Add exercise to the sleeping and eating (As well and finaly singing again *bounce*) and all is very good :)
3) It has been so long since I've regularly worn trousers that I now find them uncomfortable. I shall have to continue wearing skirts and tights and pretty shoes. What a shame...
Oh really? I'm big on the comfort of skirts, but with socks and boots. I hate tights cause they're so uncomfortable. Much worse than trousers.
And so, we have different priorites in leg-wear. This fascinating observations was brought to you by My Day of Procrastination. I really should go and do some work.
I like wearing mini mini skirts with big boots. but my tight ladder and it is no longer pretty :-(
Did you know that latin was the cause of the collapse of the industraiil revoloution. Oh yes I've lost the essay i wrote but if I find it agian i shall tell you all about it. xx
Comments 8
I have no idea how the French manage it.
On examination, my handwriting is no worse or better. It just has extra loops, making "n" look like"m" and "m" look like a child's drawing of the sea's surface upside down and "nn" in words look like the Loch Ness Monster came along to have a look.
And sleeping and eating are GOOD. They increase efficiency by hundreds and hundreds of percents, apart from anything else, so you'll save time overall!
Add exercise to the sleeping and eating (As well and finaly singing again *bounce*) and all is very good :)
Oh really? I'm big on the comfort of skirts, but with socks and boots. I hate tights cause they're so uncomfortable. Much worse than trousers.
And so, we have different priorites in leg-wear. This fascinating observations was brought to you by My Day of Procrastination. I really should go and do some work.
I want the pair in the Sock Shop at Chatelet - they have a picture of a cat on the back, looking like it's trying to climb up the back of your leg!
Did you know that latin was the cause of the collapse of the industraiil revoloution. Oh yes I've lost the essay i wrote but if I find it agian i shall tell you all about it. xx
I prevent my tights laddering (due to boot friction) with micropore tape judiciously applied to the inside of the top of the boots...
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