Title: Won't tell you anything Author: Yaya Pairing: Ariyama Rating: PG Genre: friendship, slight angst? A/N: I'm sorry I'm that late! I was ill a few days and my mom won't allow me to do anything when I'm ill! I'm so sorry! Also for the crap I always write... Please excuse me!
Ryosuke! Please trust your friends! I wonder why he can't tell anyone... It's nice of Yabu and Inoo to try to help Ariyama. But Ryosuke still won't speak. ToT
Well, Ryosuke don't want to get hurt, that's why he don't trust anyone. He thinks they will laugh at him and make fun of it. Maybe he even thinks of his problem as something embarrassing. And we would be glad if you would add us as a friend ~Yaya
Comments 2
It's nice of Yabu and Inoo to try to help Ariyama. But Ryosuke still won't speak. ToT
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