"Otaku from USA"

Apr 19, 2007 07:17

I saw this while I was in Japan and made a huge "D:" there. I feel ridiculously elitist for saying this, but this is the image I /never/ want to project ( Read more... )

youtube, otaku, japanland, sadface

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Comments 33

kodalai April 19 2007, 14:22:04 UTC
...I'm not sure I dare watch that video. D:


mhikaru April 19 2007, 14:30:15 UTC
I only watched it out of morbid curiosity.

Then again, maybe more people /should/ watch it? Maybe that way, they see just how weird it is to walk around as if cosplay is normal clothing. :\

Also, I apologize if I'm horribly out of date, but are you still teaching in Japan? And if so, how long? I got into JET and it'd be cool to meet up/exchange notes/hang out? :9


kodalai April 19 2007, 22:11:07 UTC
! You too? Well, I recontracted, so I'll be here until next year. Man, now I really wish I had volunteered to help at the Tokyo Orientation! D:


mhikaru April 20 2007, 11:50:19 UTC
Awesome! I guess this means I'll see you there? Also, where are you placed? :3


pkgaming April 19 2007, 15:47:34 UTC
It's people like this that make me continuously lose faith in the anime fandom as a whole :\

...Then I remember there's people in it who AREN'T completely batshit.


mhikaru April 19 2007, 17:02:58 UTC
It kind of reminds me of most people at cons. It's old news and I'm pretty alright with it at cons, yet the jump to TV makes it freaky for me. ._.;

Oh, and about Dofus: I have alternative energy potions to discuss with you~ I did a quick bit of calculating last night that might save you a bit of kamas and hassle. :D


pkgaming April 19 2007, 22:00:06 UTC
Oki~ I'll see you on later tonight.


mhikaru April 20 2007, 10:31:01 UTC
Homg, icon love! Bricks for braaaaains! XD Did you make it yourself? I demand an eni one~! <3


grayhour April 19 2007, 16:17:36 UTC
You know, honestly, they seem to be having fun, and aren't rude. They are otaku, who love anime in a really extreme way, but I don't think that there is really anything wrong with that. The Japanese just have a "hey let's look at the silly gaijin who think they can speak Japanese! LOLOLOLOL" xenophobia complex. Anime is not about looking cool. It's for nerds. If you're uncomfortable being a nerd, anime fandom is not for you. :/


mhikaru April 19 2007, 16:54:47 UTC
I guess the part about this video that really got to me was to be *represented* by these otaku. I suppose it's due to the nature of this tour (first-ever of an anime tour advertised in what looks like an Animerica magazine) but the fact that these people had a special report on them makes me wonder how many Japanese people saw this and now think that "American Otaku" all act like this ( ... )


flaming_loffel April 19 2007, 17:00:08 UTC
D: I couldnt watch it all... the shame the shame (i go to school with that type)


mhikaru April 19 2007, 17:05:50 UTC
:O! I just realized there's a part 2.

Thankfully, I think it's a bit better than 1, if you're feeling masochistic that is. *sweat*


flaming_loffel April 19 2007, 17:11:03 UTC
:O thats still scary


apapazukamori April 19 2007, 18:18:30 UTC
I agree with the disgust toward people who think they're Japan experts because they've watched anime. I never considered myself an expert, but looking back on the stuff I thought I knew and it's a bit embarrassing. Anime represents Japan about as well as Cartoon Network represents the U.S. I did cringe at the cosplaying in Akihabara, but then I remembered the people in Harajuku and didn't feel so bad anymore ( ... )


mhikaru April 20 2007, 10:55:23 UTC
Maybe I have been a bit too harsh at the people featured. I do understand the excitement/happiness of going to Japan for the first time --the land of dreams and anime. And I think you hit it really on the mark describing them with the Disneyland mentality. Going on a limb from that, I feel that most of these people behave the way a lot of people do for conventions: loud fangiggling/shouting random anime catch-phrases/etc. While I personally feel that their behavoir is annoying, it's not exactly what makes me irked. What gets to me is that they seem to be viewing Japan, as a whole, with this mentality --as if Japan itself was a convention to squee and fanboy over. And that makes me a bit miffed, because in between the Tokyo Animefair and Akihabara, they've probably had to interact with people who didn't want to be a part of their Japan-Con experience ( ... )


apapazukamori April 20 2007, 18:33:22 UTC
What gets to me is that they seem to be viewing Japan, as a whole, with this mentality --as if Japan itself was a convention to squee and fanboy over

Ahhh, I understand now. Yeah. I mean, my first trip to Tokyo had me squeeing over buildings I recognized and random things like police boxes, but I did it quietly. Maybe the cosplayer girl and "Rick" are beyond hope, but maybe the visit helped them appreciate Japan outside the context of anime. Because, sure, Tokyo Tower is a CLAMP fan's Mecca, but don't forget to check out Zozoji Temple that's right beside it.

And ouch. I wonder if it's the conformity thing. You don't look like everyone else, or you don't come from here, so we have free license to mock you on national television. :(


apapazukamori April 20 2007, 18:35:06 UTC
...and it's Zojoji Temple. *is dumb* ^^;;; The little clay figures with their pinwheels broke my heart. ;-;


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