Hey everyone, nominations are still open at the Twisting the Hellmouth's 2007 Crossing-Over Awards. Nominations end Tuesday afternoon, so get to nominating :)
http://mhalachaiswords.com/writing/We're live! All my fanfic, in one place! I still have a few more drabbles from 2006 to put up, but it's all there! Guess how many stories there are? 233! Zing
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ETA: Changed the rules, as I can't write one-sentence on these. *Has no restraint*
Hi. You might remember me from such fics as were posted in 2006. You know, last year. Uh huh. I'm coming down off the most hellish quarter at work ever (you know we actually started using the phrase math 4eva! ?) and need to get my creativity back up and
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Over on Pomme de Sang, the Anita Blake fanfic archive, they have monthly author interviews. I'm up for February, so if you're on the PDS boards and you want to ask me a question, head on over to the thread to ask questions of me, a very reclusive and private individual.
You are now returned to your regularly scheduled workday.
I'll be back in fic land in a couple of weeks at the latest, but as of right now I don't have any time for anything besides work. All hail crunch time.