Rosemary, for Remembrance 3/3
A Stargate Atlantis story
Summary: And then there was the time John Sheppard turned into a girl and no one thought it was strange but Rodney McKay.
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Sony and MGM own all things Stargate Atlantis. I but borrow.
Spoilers: Follows Season 5 "The Shrine"; spoilers for episodes up to then.
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Comments 60
Found this story on Wraithbait, but couldn't comment there since the site hates me and thinks I'm a bot.
What a lovely piece, even if my head is spinning. Your Joan/John combination works very nicely, especially the subtle differences between them... Joan being more emotional and John's angst.
Love when Rodney gets some of what he wants also.....
Very nice!
Because this? Was stunning. And an absolutely fantastically unique way of addressing the whole gender swap thang.
Yis. I highly approve. You angst princess. Evil, I tells ya.
I'm rather proud of this little tale - I'm not usually one for straight SGA, with my crossover bent... but this idea caught me and wouldn't let me go. John Sheppard is not a character comfortable in his skin, and exploring that as a girl/boy thing was fascinating.
Me? Evil? I don't know what you mean ;)
We must drink and watch SGA and plot I think. I would like to write something with you and your twisty brain
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