Some degree of forward progress

Feb 18, 2010 16:17

The semester is not getting easier (my schedule sucks), but I feel slightly caught up from being gone two weeks ago ( Read more... )

novel #2, work, novel writing, writing

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Comments 2

ecmyers February 19 2010, 16:32:12 UTC
I know what you mean about preferring writing to revising. I like seeing my book improve, but it's really slow going. It's harder to chart the progress vs. number of new words written, and even harder to fit into small increments of time. I've been wrestling with improving my own writing discipline, and plan to prioritize large chunks of time to revising my current novel so I can get back to writing a new one.

I carry my Eee around all the time, and try to schedule an hour in the morning before work or sometimes on lunch. But I do get most of my work done on days off and weekends. I don't do much housework :)

Good luck!


mgsmurf February 22 2010, 22:13:14 UTC
I also find I have to do multiple layers of revision, which takes multiple revising sweeps. But I write things linearly, so I usually have only one time step when writing the rough draft.

And I guess I could take my Eee PC everywhere. It fits in my purse fine. However, I tend to like to revise on paper, which can also go with.


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