Title: You're mine, Pussycat Pairing: Raikov/Ocelot Rating: PG-13 Warnings: No warnings. Ivan and Ocelot staring deep into each other's eyes nose bridges.
The colouring was a quick lazy, job but I hope you like it. =)
Raikov/Ocelot, what a rare but fun pairing! I really like this pic; it's both lovely and in character, what with Raikov's mischievous expression. Ocelot has no clue what he's got himself into. XD
Yes! I always thought they were cute together but then Andy forced his OTP upon me and I kind of fell in love with them. Plus, I am getting a little sick of Snake/Otacon atm so it's nice to have a break. Thank you very much. =)
I think they have lots of potential, only I can't usually manage to distance myself from Big Boss/Ocelot (my main pairing in MGS) and I kind of like Raikov with Volgin as well, so. But it would be mad to turn down an opportunity to appreciate. You draw them well!
(Also, friending time! I'm on a friending spree anyway, so it's a good oppotunity. :D)
Comments 18
Yes! I always thought they were cute together but then Andy forced his OTP upon me and I kind of fell in love with them. Plus, I am getting a little sick of Snake/Otacon atm so it's nice to have a break. Thank you very much. =)
I think they have lots of potential, only I can't usually manage to distance myself from Big Boss/Ocelot (my main pairing in MGS) and I kind of like Raikov with Volgin as well, so. But it would be mad to turn down an opportunity to appreciate. You draw them well!
(Also, friending time! I'm on a friending spree anyway, so it's a good oppotunity. :D)
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