(no subject)

May 04, 2008 17:13

Hey guys! Fly okayed this, so I'll be running an MGS mini-reverse-bang in mgs_slash! Flashy title goes here:


For those of you who don't know what a bang is, it's a thing where fanartists and fanauthors get together and uhh, draw and write for each other -- for example, in a normal bang, authors will write a fic of 20k words and an artist will come along and draw for it. This one's going to be a mini-reverse-bang, though, which means the fics only have to be at least 5000 words long, and the artists (for once!) get to go first.

Here's how it works:

1. Artists and authors sign up for the mini-reverse-bang. Artists sign up under the "artist sign-up thread" and authors under the "author sign-up thread," it's pretty simple.
2. Artists have about a month to send in a finished piece (or pieces) based on one of the themes listed below. There aren't many restrictions on this: make it as large as you want, as many pictures as you want, whatever style you want, whatever characters, as long as it follows the themes -- but try to keep in mind that someone is going to try to write a fic about the piece(s), so don't go and do something like the entire cast jump-roping or something otherwise ridiculously time-paradoxy and impossible and -- you get the idea.
3. The art is then all put up at once (anonymously) once the month is up, and fic writers then get about a month to select one of the art piece(s) and send in a fic about it. The fic must be at least 5000 words and must have to do with the artworks they're written for, of course.
4. Please don't post anything publically until the mini-reverse-bang is over. Everything is anonymous until the end of the mini-reverse-bang, to make sure people don't just pick their friends to work with.
5. Once done with your art/fic, send them to me at atreylune[at]gmail[dot]com. Image files and .txts with html, please! Any HTML that could be used in an LJ entry is fair game.
6. Once the bang is over, all art and fics will be sorted and linked together. I'll make an LJ comm for this to post everything in once the deadlines hit -- who did what is all a secret until then!

For our purposes, this mini-reverse-bang will run from today, May 4th to June 15th for artists, and June 16th to August 1 for authors. I'll be posting reminders in the comm and be calling on the authors that sign up once the artists' half is done, so be ready.

So anyway, here, for prompts, have the 13 chapters of the Art of War (and a few quotes, too). Try not to all choose the same prompt: two people per prompt max, please. I'll be updating the list as people sign up.

I. The Laying of Plans
→ 1. silver_b
II. Waging War
→ 1. damntorren
III. The Plan of Attack
→ 1. marinayoshi
IV. Disposition of the Army
→ 1. firefly99
V. Directing Forces
→ 1. roomofawakening
VI. Weaknesses and Strengths/Illusion and Reality
→ 1. ericaleev
VII. Military Maneuvers/Engaging The Force
VIII. Variations and Adaptability
→ 1. kiuneriar
IX. The Army on the March
→ 1. karaii
X. Situational Positioning/Terrain
→ 1. dontdiefox
XI. The Nine Battlegrounds/Situations
→ 1. jkqxxllyuo
XII. Attacking with Fire
→ 1. gutennachte
XIII. The Use of Intelligence and Espionage
→ 1. sovietadamushka
XIV. "If you know both yourself and your enemy, you can come out of hundreds of battles without danger."
→ 1. claus_garvin
XV. "Seizing the enemy without fighting is the most skillful."
→ 1. bleu_ice2002
XVI. "All warfare is based on deception."
→ 1. alanahikarichan

Participating authors:

Other things:

1. Can you sign up as both artist and author?
→ Yes. You just can't write for your own art.

2. Can you write more than 5000 words?
→ Sure! 5000 is just the minimum. Go crazy, but remember the deadlines.

3. Can I send in a picture of all the Snakes and maybe Raiden and Otacon in a jazzy Broadway musical set in the 1920s?
→ Sure, if you really, really want to. Although I'm not sure who else but me would actually write for this.

4. So if I want to write for this, do I pick a theme?
→ Nope! Authors start participating once the artists are done: they choose a finished picture to write for, not a theme!

challenge (mgs bang), 2008

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