Need A Recipe...

Jun 14, 2024 10:56

I have been told that there is such a critter known as "Hamburger Soup".

Has anyone got a good recipe for it?

I'd like a version that uses fresh veggies as we're about to be smothered in fresh-dug potatoes and green beans from our garden.


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Comments 9

spikesgirl58 June 14 2024, 16:00:37 UTC

I will have to keep an eye on this. I've not heard of such an animal.


rhodielady_47b June 16 2024, 18:13:12 UTC

Well, it's not what you'd call a fancy critter but it should be a good way to serve up some good fresh veggies when things start coming in from the garden in small bunches.

Besides it's a good excuse to make up a pan of cornbread.



spikesgirl58 June 16 2024, 19:45:54 UTC
I might have to give it a go.


olden_fan June 14 2024, 16:54:21 UTC
I have had one similar to this. It’s not unheard of n the Midwest.


rhodielady_47b June 16 2024, 18:07:50 UTC

And this sounds exactly what I'm looking for! Thanks!



olden_fan June 16 2024, 18:25:46 UTC
I hope to hear that it worked well for you.


rhodielady_47b June 16 2024, 18:33:54 UTC

I'm sure it will!

I've been longing for some good homemade veggie soup and this seems like it will suite quite well!

Thanks again!



duckys_lady June 15 2024, 02:36:38 UTC
I've never used a recipe for it. They used to serve it at a soup and salad restaurant on my college campus, and I just sort of made my own. I started with tomato soup, added cooked hamburger, potatoes, green beans, carrots, . . . (really whatever veggies were handy and fresh). Sometimes I would add oregano to give it an Italian slant and sometimes a little chili powder to give it a Tex Mex slant.


rhodielady_47b June 16 2024, 17:58:15 UTC

Sounds like a good basic recipe to me!



EDIT--I hadn't thought of using canned tomato soup as a base for it but I think it should work quite well.


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