SGA, SG-1, and possible SPN Friends

Feb 07, 2007 19:49

New friends!! I love new friends. And so, here is a little intro post for you all.

I'm MF Luder, but you can call me Lucy. My good friend motorwill came up with it awhile back because she found MF Luder too apersonal and it was that or Lube. *makes face* But I actually really like Lucy. I hear the name from time to time on campus and I perk up and then realize...oh. LOL

I'm a college kid living in frozen Minnesota, USA, going for English and Philosophy. I like to ramble, I LOVE TV and I would die if I knew I could never go online again. I often have computer problems, so there is typically much flailing about such situations. I read A LOT (and not just fanfic, I mean real books plus textbooks), and I'm very poor. Why does college cost so much? Hell, it's not even school, it's rent--and I live in the freakin' dorms. :-P

I watch too much TV and on my userinfo are all my fandoms. That's not all the shows I watch, but I'm also not active in all the shows listed there. When I watch a show and like it, I crush hard. Thus, my current insane craziness for Stargate Atlantis after watching it for about a month. I was hooked after two episodes.

I write for X-Files, Supernatual, Heroes, Jared/Jensen RPS, I've written one Kyle XY and one Queer As Folk (US), and currently have started my first SGA. I make icons for various things, I like porn and love being philosophical about all these things (well, not so much icons).

I hate fandom wanking/drama/whatever the hell you want to call it. In all my favorite shows, there's never been a single character I "hated" except for Follmer and he's just a prick and sleazy. Nor do I hate shows after certain seasons. I don't believe in "jumping shark". Sure, things can go downhill (West Wing after Sorkin left was never as perfect) but it doesn't diminish the show for me. This comes from a diehard XF fan who loved the new characters of seasons 8&9 (except for Follmer but see above). Obviously, have you own opinion, totally cool. Just don't expect me to get involved. Though I may have to make one exception because the Paire people are kind of annoying me right now, but I haven't fully decided.

I like doing laundry, I hate doing dishes and I have an OCD need to sweep floors if there's dust or anything that feels like sand. I'm a little obsessed with Imogen Heap and I love classical music along with a wide range of music tastes that flummoxes most people.

A book meme that should give you much insight into me. And yeah, yeah, it says tag. Pssht, I never worry about that. Do it, don't. Whatever. From trystan830

1. Grab the nearest book.
2. Open the book to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the text of the next 3 sentences on your blog along with these instructions.
5. Don't you dare dig for that "cool" or "intellectual" book in your closet! I know you were thinking about it! Just pick up whatever is closest.
6. Tag five people.

18. Hiding order beneath the cloak of disorder is simply a question of subdivision; concealing courage under a show of timidity presupposes a fund of latent energy; masking strength with weakness is to be effected by tactical dispositions.

Chang Yu relates the following anecdote of Koa Tsu, the first Han Emperor: "Wishing to crush Hsiung-nu, he sent out spies to report on their condition. But the Hsiung-nu, forewarned, carefully concealed all their able-bodied men and well-fed horses, and only allowed infirm soldiers and emaciated cattle to be seen."

Yes, the closest book sitting next to me was The Art of War. I didn't have to move my hand more than five inches.

Finally, if you look around, you'll see I'm also a little obsessed with TS Eliot. Mainly, I LOVE apocalyptic stories and poetry.


Nice to meet you all!

keepaofthecheez has made a SPN Friending Meme so I suggest you go and join in the 1200 comments!!
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