Last night on the District line train back from Wimbledon, I sat opposite this lady texting on her cellphone. She had her legs spread open so I saw everything up her skirt! It was absolutely terrible, so disgusting... So I took some pictures of her!
Not safe for work, click only if you're a perv like me! )
Comments 20
I'm not at work, hahaha, but I think even if you're not the one getting this shot, someone else would! maybe she didn't realize she's out in public or forget she wears such SHORT skirt ho hum
Probably, and then you'd see her face everywhere on the internet! XD I suppose she just forgot how to close her legs. :| I figured she was um, one of those ladies who sleeps around because if you notice hookers and the way they sit, they sit with their legs pretty wide open... ICK.
My my, are a perv, just like all of us. LOLZ, kidding. Yes...thankgoodness, she's didn't realize, but i like her jacket though. Haha.
Before I read the text I assumed she was really nekkid and had to be a yellowish alien with no reproductive organs.
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