Fic: Wonders of the Blue, Episode 2

Apr 27, 2006 00:20

Due to the overwhelming response to the first drabble, I continued the series a bit. Unfortunately for me, this is a bit long to be a drabble.

Title: Wonders of the Blues: Episode 2
Fandom: One Piece (c) Eiichiro Oda
Word Count: 380
Rating: PG-15 for language and some sexual content

Welcome back to “Wonders of the Blues”. Today we continue our study of the P. m. mugiwara from last week, when we were lucky enough to observe the mating rituals of C. calcitrat and T. gladii. Though not a breeding pair, the two are no less fascinating specimens. We’re currently tracking them to their den, so that we might continue to make observations on their behavior. It is a rewarding task, but by no means an easy one.

“Why is Sanji’s shoe out here?”

It appears that Rangifer medicus has stumbled across a clue. P. m. mugiwara often leave markings of their presence in a den to warn off possible intruders. R. medicus, one of the more docile breeds of this normally aggressive species, is also a quite capable tracker. Perhaps he will lead us to the den we seek.

“I’m certain Cook-san will come looking for it when he needs it again. Why don’t you go see what Captain-san is doing?”

The intervention of Philologa florifera sets R. medicus away from the trail and into the territory of Homo extentat. She may sense our intent to find the lair and could be attempting to protect C. calcitrat and T. gladii during the mating process. Thankfully, R. medicus has given us the hint we need to find the den.

“Damnit, marimo, don’t just -“

“Can it, shitty cook!”

Oh my, it appears that we’ve found them.

“Prep first, moron!”

“What do you call this, dartboard brow?”

“I call this a pain in the-“


Oh dear. That had to hurt. C. calcitrat does not appear to want to submit to T. gladii so easily. Both are prime examples of the strength and beauty of the P. m. mugiwara, but it appears that they have reached the issue that comes to many of the non-breeding pairs. T. gladii once more attempts to mount C. calcitrat, with similar results. C. calcitrat is showing some teeth now, displaying his displeasure with the situation, but the third time’s the charm, and T. gladii is finally-

“Do you hear that?”

“What? Aww, fuck no, don’t start that-“

It looks like we may have been discovered. It seems we may have to make a rapid escape.

“No, seriously, I thought I heard… over there!”


{End Transmission}

Thanks again to chibi_trillian for Latin help.


Rangifer medicus - Reindeer doctor
Philologa florifera - Flower-bearing scholar
Homo extentat - The man stretches


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