At the beginning his designs were dense, baroque. The first few years were warped by wrangles with manufacturers, or rather with the raw materials that could not do simultaneously all the things that were expected of them. A little of the detail then left his drawings, intricacies dispensed with between centre and edge. Shading became banded
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Comments 4
Also, if you get the chance, check out the 'listen again' I linked to for saturday's play. Dianna Rigg and good language - what more do you want (other than a slick fitting avenger's outfit)?
'Granny's jigsaw' - sounds a bit like the title of one of those pop-science books which explain to the masses things like chaos theory and that quantum thing. If you publish in your professional field you should use it (especially if it is not at all appropriate!).
I'll check that out - the Friday ones are often a bit weak, so I forget about the Saturday's.
V. good indeed.
Another part that sucks is that for all this I still cannot convey humanity - which in your writing, Ms Diary, you have in spades.
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