getting things done

Mar 12, 2011 23:02

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On a less horrible note! This is one of the promised FMA/DGM crossovers-some DGM characters flung randomly into FMA-verse. *eyes fic dubiously*

So the world of Fullmetal Alchemist is pretty sane, balanced, and logical. Sure, things are bad sometimes, things are ( Read more... )

fma, crossover, dgm

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Comments 39

senrei_yume March 13 2011, 10:06:05 UTC
omg this was so wickedly awesome. I totally love the attention to detail, the way you meshed the worlds together very nicely. Felt bad for Tyki, though. And I appreciated the observation that war makes people do crazy things.

I thought it was interesting, too, that you wrote Allen as the name-changing, manipulative actor-assassin. With story canon Lavi probably would have made more sense, but I loved how it played out in this story. Poor Allen's so sweet and well-meaning and it's clear that while he's become hardened to his work, it's also wearing away at him. Snuggles may be in order.

Also really liked Riza as a narrator. I'm always a little wary of first person because it either rocks or sucks, but this time it fell into the former category. High five! Everyone was also incredibly in character. It was a lot of fun to watch everyone's dynamics fit together so nicely.

Favorite line: We’ll make our own country, he said, fifteen years old and already plotting world domination ( ... )


metisket March 13 2011, 19:15:53 UTC
I'm so glad you liked it! :D

Yeah, poor Tyki. :/ This world was pretty rough on Noah in general, actually...

Lavi, bless. He wouldn't be a very good con. He's not so great at acting like he likes people unless he really does, based on the glimpses we've gotten of him in early-days Order. Which is a shame, because that job wouldn't bother him anything like as much as it bothers Allen, sigh.

So glad you liked the Hawkeye narration! I picked her because I figured she'd be the most observant/least emotionally involved, so. More fun that way. XD

Kanda! <3 Someday I'll finish this crossover with Ed and Al as exorcists that has a ton of Kanda. Hopefully you'll enjoy it!

Thank you very much for the comment! ^_^


senrei_yume March 13 2011, 22:46:29 UTC
Yeah, Early!Lavi was much better at the passing friendliness. He really wouldn't be able to pull off that, "I'm you're best friend, trust me with your life!" thing. But I hope that Lavi's at least putting his memory to use to make money. He'd absolutely kill at counting cards. He wouldn't be able to do much against someone like Allen, but he could clean out a few casinos ( ... )


azalee_calypso March 13 2011, 10:40:42 UTC

Love love love. The rewind of Allen's life (seducing Skin Boric, I'm never getting over that) mixed with the FMA history, how he fits in Roy's office, Hawkeye's narration, Ed's barging in, the solving of the budget vs personnel issue... and the end. I'd have to say this seemed a bit lacking in Al, but the little of him we saw managed to give off such a sweet feel to the last part, it's just ♥
Love the names and the logic behind each one, too. And Cross, of course. And, just - aaaaaaaaah. ♥♥ Why are you so gooooooooooood ? :''DDD


metisket March 13 2011, 19:27:00 UTC
XD So glad you liked it! ♥

Ha, poor Skin. I figured...of all the Noah, he would be the one most likely to fall for that. I mean, Tyki and Road, especially, would be like, "No, this is what WE do to people. This is not what gets done to us, kid." XD

Someday Roy and Allen (and Miles and Olivia) are going to take over the world, you know. And Hawkeye and Ed will laugh until they cry.

Yeah...I had to leave Al out of the office scene, because he would have restrained Ed's tantrum, and. Can't be having with that. But there will be lots of Al in the backstory!

Cross and Hohenheim, now I think of it, should be total BFFs in this verse. And I bet Cross and Izumi and Sig are good friends. Because that would be hilarious. Sorry, Ed. XD

/babble. Thank you so much for the comment! :D


azalee_calypso March 13 2011, 19:33:54 UTC
xD Okay, your thought process does make sense, but. In general. You know. Allen/Skin Boric. *also laughing to tears*
(Awww, too bad Road'd be way too young to have anything to do with Ishbal, uh ? Love that Tyki and Allen did get to be gambling partners this once though~)

But there will be lots of Al in the backstory! !! ♥ I like how that sounds.

And yes. Yes ! Go with that. Cross probably knows everyone, anyway.


metisket March 13 2011, 20:30:02 UTC
L-lol. Now you mention it, Allen/Skin Boric is a ship I don't think I've ever seen. Ever. Anywhere.

...*trailblazes*! XD

Hey, Road is a lot older than she looks! She could have signed up right at 16. And become very, very peculiar, with such formative experiences. Wow. The creepy possilities are kind of endless.



forwish March 13 2011, 10:52:15 UTC
Once again I just don't have words to describe how much your writing is awesome... I expected that characters just will meet in some neutral zone, but you did so much substantial and better..! The different names of Allen, Noah, variants of events from canon, interactions between Allen and Ed...
I even can't say what I loved more - it's all pure gold. Yeah, please, write another story and maybe some more for that AU. Especially Roy's communication with crazy combi and Al as a moderator. It would be hilarious I think... But, really, just keep writing<3


metisket March 13 2011, 19:30:31 UTC
Thank you so much for the sweet comment! ^_^

Haha, those Allen and Ed interactions were shamefully fun to write. Because they would totally respect each other, but at the same time, they'd DRIVE EACH OTHER CRAZY. And then there would be Al, sitting in the middle ground between them, understanding everything. And heaving sighs at the ridiculousness of everyone he knows. XD

I hope you'll enjoy that other story when I finish it! Thank you again! <3


orchida March 13 2011, 11:18:28 UTC
As soon as I see 'metisket' fic, I'm all :D! Yay! Your imagination is astounding.

I adore what you've done here, seamlessly taking the d.gray-man universe and putting it into the fma one, no trouble. I think my heart broke a little at how you'd taken the d.gray character's physical scars and melded them into this universe. How you managed to keep their basic character traits the same and yet different enough to feel like a whole new story.

Your Allen always breaks my heart a little, but oh, the four of them meeting and Lavi's idea and Kanda's reaction. ♥ Perfect. Reminds me how much I miss Lavi. I need more of him in my life.

But seriously, lovely, lovely writing here as always. Your imagination never fails to impress me. And yes, definitely unfinished in my book as I need to see more of this universe and the shenanigans of Ed, Al and Allen.
Also, do you mind awfully if I friend you? I feel like I should have done this a million years ago.


metisket March 13 2011, 19:45:08 UTC
:D Thank you so much! ♥

I'm so glad you liked the way the universes worked together--once I figured the DGM characters for Ishbalan, it flowed pretty easily. Haha, the fic I'm writing now with Ed and Al as exorcists is proving tougher, because Ed sees a problem and wants to ATTACK IT RIGHT NOW, and that's. No, Ed. You can't blow up Leverrier. I KNOW THAT SEEMS LIKE THE ATTRACTIVE OPTION, but... XD

The DGM characters <3. I've missed writing them, actually. And yeah, I miss Lavi in canon, too. That one taunting (horrifying) glimpse of him is all we've gotten in ages! Years? ;_; Sigh. We will wait for yoouuuu, Lavi.

Hope you enjoy the next part (when...ever I finish it orz), and yes, feel free to friend! Friends are happy! ^_^


orchida March 13 2011, 22:46:27 UTC
the fic I'm writing now with Ed and Al as exorcists is proving tougher

Which sounds awesome! I am very much looking forward to that.

That was darn right teasing with Lavi in canon, then we get another chapter with no mention. What the hell is going on with him? I hope we get to his arc soon.

And thank you, didn't want to come across as some random stalker. ;D


ca11iope March 13 2011, 13:08:13 UTC
Wow, what a fantastic way to wake up on a stormy Sunday morning! You folded these two universes together and lost nothing from either one - amazing! I'm glad to know that this is not the end, because I'm greedy that way, especially when it comes to your lovely fiction. Looking forward to more, whenever you find the time to share it. :)


metisket March 13 2011, 20:01:22 UTC
Thank you so much! XD I'm really happy you liked it! I was nervous about it. :/

Hopefully you'll enjoy the next part...haha, whenever I finish it. XD I'll try to be quick! But you know how that goes sometimes.



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