the show of the two tsundere lol~

Nov 21, 2012 01:22

I'm super lazy to write anything these days but then our awesome enshinge-san post her scanlation of Kisumai best combi manga report and I think it totally brings me back to my usual flailing state LOL~

I'm a manga-holic so this kind of thing is perfect for me XD~ and how I love Higashimura Akiko-sensei for always drawing these awesome series :x

it's hard to put 2 tsundere in one place XD~ )

fujikita, hirosuke, doujinshi appreciation

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Comments 21

hybrid_angel14 November 20 2012, 19:05:11 UTC
I wonder... how can I stop staring at the new banner now? 'Cuz it just looks so fabuloussssssssss asdfhfjglfjgsfljslfs *key smash*~

The manga things really really hurts my stomach. A lot. Now I need to refrain from reading it every 5 mins or so XD~ Yep yep I kept wondering why they always do that "thumb wrestling" which is boring like hell and here's the answer: FujiKita just tried so hard to run away from "hug each other tightly" "lie on the other's lap" or "drink from the same cup" etc. That's so wicked boys! We need FANSERVICE!

But anyway, Duet staff won't let them getting away. Bless them XD.


meteora_wings November 21 2012, 07:53:18 UTC
aren't you the one made it that fabulous XD? blame yourself lol~ joking, I love youuu *chu <3*~~

Duet staff is so naive at times XD~ if it was us, we would only keep those most interesting requests XDD~ and try ANY way to mske them do it lol for example, something like in your avatar XDD?


hybrid_angel14 November 22 2012, 02:38:25 UTC
My avatar is the holy god asgdsadashdkahdd~ dare them to do so XD~


meteora_wings November 22 2012, 06:49:35 UTC
yeah, dare them lol~


yuri2294 November 20 2012, 21:44:55 UTC
I liked your new banner, its very cute, and I liked the manga too. I didn't know that there were things like this, but it's very funny. To see how they try to keep a secret the birthday presents, and the heart pose was so funny too XD
I also loved the photo when Taisuke is squeezing Mitsu's cheeks, it's so, so cute!


meteora_wings November 21 2012, 08:02:34 UTC
their lives are hard, but our lives are fun XD~ how I love to see them struggling all the time like this XD


daiyamainoo November 20 2012, 23:05:09 UTC
LOL this is so cute. I actually the manga after enshinge post it and I was really LOL-ing the whole time xD OMG the shipper's heart can't take it anymore. Acting all shy and always complaining about the staff-san makes them even cuter together xD I really laughed hard when the two started talking about the gifts then a staff revealed that IT IS A BATTLE OF THE TSUNDERES xD LOL I really love duet for doing this to my otp <3 And that certain issue of duet xDDDDD I was actually laughing while reading the manga on that issue of Misaki No.1 and although I couldn't understand most of it, I was pretty sure it was all Hirosuke's complaints xD That's one of my favorite issues of duet *A* It turned out so good that I had to scan it and place it on my phone xD See even my avatar came from that issue xD Hoho omg this otp is really the best xD Rare moments between are always so exciting and surprising <3 Oh you two <3 *A ( ... )


daiyamainoo November 20 2012, 23:07:29 UTC
Btw forgot to mention that I really love your banner <3 I love the way Mitsu stares at Taipi and Taipi acting all embarrassed. All the love *A* I can feel it boys! XD


meteora_wings November 21 2012, 08:11:54 UTC
lol yes you have a lot of otp avatars from Misaki time~ I love them all <3 and somehow you managed to comment even longer than my actual entry lol I like it, girl XD~

I hope there will be more of manga report like this XD because it's just soooo fun to read XDD

I think Taisuke gains weight a bit these days too, and that's good XD~ oh Mitsu is like forever 12 LOL~

hmm, I just see Taisuke as a bit ignorant, or he's just playing dumb there XD and we all know that Mitsu has a habit of always staring at Taisuke *like some kind of unrequited love lol*


shibaru11 November 21 2012, 01:35:25 UTC
where to start~~~~
the comic....Duet sure knows what HiroSuke fans like us want....
Taisuke always be the one who feel embarrassed more bcoz Mitsu is too professional (or maybe he enjoys seeing taisuke being a shy boy....XDD)

watched the 100shiki.....
tottsu was like a luxury restaurant waiter and taisuke was like a rich boy, sitting like that...

i think Taisuke is gaining weight nowadays...
i remember seeing a pic of his current arms...
that's good~~~


meteora_wings November 21 2012, 08:15:01 UTC
Taisuke's life is hard, and Mitsu's life is somehow hard too; because he's always dragged into Taisuke's mess XDD? lol~ those two XD~

ah yeah, it's good to see a more healthy Taisuke these days ;w;


shibaru11 November 21 2012, 11:01:06 UTC
i like Duet (or whatever magazines) that makes taisuke's life hard...XDD
mitsu...he isn't that suffer bcoz he's not the one who changes....

yeah, i wanna see him healthy and cheerful, like old days...but not annoying...;X


mssinachen November 21 2012, 12:35:28 UTC
uwah~ nice banner. :) i love it. <3

ne, do you know where I can read the manga translations of the 2 Duet shots in English? my japanese sucks. :/

But its true that Duet makes FujiKitas life harder. :D Poor them, having to answer to the fangirls requests.~ :)


meteora_wings November 21 2012, 14:18:38 UTC
the latest duet best combi manga has been translated by enshinge :D~ check it at the beginning of this post, I put the link under the word "scanlation" :D

and Misaki shooting drama report last year was translated by enshige too, find it here

I'm sure you're gonna laugh hard when reading this XD~ enjoy XD


mssinachen November 21 2012, 16:21:52 UTC
haha, I love my OTP. <3 is it weird to flail over their awkwardness? Its so cute. Theyre alyways like "dont want to" and "its embarrassing" but in the end they have the best pictures. :D

Those two.. What shall we do with them? :) why dont they admit they like each other. xD

Thanks for the links. <3


meteora_wings November 22 2012, 06:52:10 UTC
because they're that awkward that I find it double fun shipping them XD~ I love to see them suffering haha XD


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