Mar 21, 2008 13:21
So as I see it:
People are now in the unique position of talking about people grumping about other folks complaining about some people whining about a group NOT talking for for a day.
This gives me a headache, and I don't like headaches. They hurt my head. So please, do everyone a favor- for the next couple days, if it's something about the LJ/boycott kerflufflabaloo, kindly put it behind a cut. That way interested parties can read it, and people who whine about reading 'yet another thing on this' will have no one but themselves to blame.
Fair enough?
For my next trick... I'm gonna need a sword and a baby. And then I'm gonna swordfight a baby*!
*This is sorta true, it is lovely weather outside so my son and I are gonna go play at being pirates.
mod work