Best spam of the day

Mar 11, 2008 12:39

Subject line: "Travel the world and see more nipples with your longer, thicker passport to happiness."
Body of the message: "Get wall to wall women, and twice as many nubile breasts."

hmm, if you had one woman already, then twice as many breasts would only be one more woman. Which isn't exactly wall-to-wall, unless you have an extremely small room. Of course, you could also have one one-breasted woman and replace her with one regular woman. That would be twice as many breasts but still the same number of vaginas, which seems to be defeating the purpose of lengthening your "passport." Meanwhile, if you don't currently have any women at all (which seems likely given the fact that your "passport" is so short), then twice as many breasts is not very many breasts at all.

Mainly, though, I just love the phrase "Travel the world and see more nipples." hee hee.

mamajoan is not thinking what spammers want her to be thinking.
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