christian homes, schools & businesses targeted with red paint

Aug 18, 2013 21:19

"Nusrani! Nusrani!" - kind of the "N" word for Christians in Islam. If you are and you hear it - better RUN!

The real and systemic persecutions of Christians in Egypt has gone on for some time now. it was minimal under the secular government of President Hosnai Mubarak, a U.S. ally who kept the peace with Israel before being "thrown under the bus" by Barack Obama during the so-called Arab Spring.

Remember that? Remember how everyone from the top levels of government to the lowest depths of liberal media scoffed at we who predicted what would rise up? The Muslim Brotherhood (oh how they mocked us) which would make a mockery of the democratic process and begin to install an Islamic theocratic state?

The people of Egypt finally had enough and rose up in protest and Barack Obama (despite professing he takes no sides) continued to support, as he had all along, the ever-emerging, ever increasing dictatorship of Mohamad Morsi.

And what a disaster this Secretary of State has been, and the woman before him, in facilitating the rise of chaos and extremism across the globe. America is laughed at, no one takes us seriously, and all the while the media are all but canonizing one of the architects of this disaster, Hillary Clinton, as our next president while giving us puff pieces about Obama cavorting with millionaires and billionaires at Martha's Vineyard!

Ah, the faithful media always playing the dutiful and loyal shills - avoiding the mare mention of the name "Obama" in stories about the crisis in Egypt and the Egyptian fury against our president (the media prefer to censor pictures and report Egyptian anger at "America" instead).

As radical Imams urge their flocks on and Muslim Brotherhood militants engage in violence against citizens, police and the military - among the hardest hit are the minority Coptic Christians (about 10% of the population) who have been beaten, raped, murdered and had their homes, businesses, schools and churches torched at ever-increasing levels and especially since the Muslim Brotherhood took power.

Even having a crucifix on the dashboard of your car makes you a potential target of extremists.

Interested in some on-line stories and pics you won't see in the media?

I thought not. Here's one anyway. Nuns being paraded like POW after their school was destroyed:

And mostly the liberal media have been silent - because they DARE NOT report stories of innocent Christians being victimized by Islamists. It does not fit the narrative and does nothing to help Obama. Instead they repeat the administration talking-point about "the military" staging a coup against a "democratically-elected government".

Yeah - Hitler was "democratically elected" too.

Imagine the media outrage and ovr-the-top coverage had 50 MOSQUES been torched, looted and destroyed.

They are such cowards, just plain liars, and that's the simple truth.

The media walk on eggshells to avoid reporting the honest simple truth. Not that they don't have to think hard about doing so. It's in their nature - so in-the-tank they are for Obama and his agenda.

egypt, terrorism, msm, liberalism, obama

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