obama's oldies tour a big yawn

Jul 25, 2013 12:06


I called it the "Never-ending Campaign".

Today, and in recent months, more and more people have "caught on" from conservative talk show hosts like Rush Limbaugh to Obama sycophants in the liberal media.

I called him the "Community-Organizer-in-Chief" - remember?

Talk, talk, talk ... always pointing the finger for his failures at someone else and acting as though he were insulated from everything going on around him - even though they're the result of his policies.

There he was again yesterday ranting at yet another skulls-filled-with-mush college crowd lying through his teeth about the economy, jobs, deficits, and everything else that paints his administration with broad strokes of disaster.

He has the nerve to say, for the what, 16th time?, that he is now pivoting and focusing on this disaster of an economy and accuses Congress of "taking its eyes off the ball".


What has Obama been pushing ever since he got the train-wreck that is ObamaCare rammed through?

Free contraceptives.

Global warming.

Gun control.

Gay marriage.

Late-term abortion rights.

Shutting down the coal industry.

Spying on reporters.

Raising taxes.

Telling people what to feed their kids.

Electric car, solar panels and windmill subsidies.

Militarizing bureaucratic departments.

Regulating everyone and everything.

Attacking Christian organizations.

Amnesty for illegal immigrants.

Attacking the producers, and the foundations, ideals and traditions of America.

Stopping oil pipelines from being built.

Supporting and advocating for Islamic radicals in foreign countries and even in America.

Food stamps for more-and-more people.

Race-baiting (race relations have predictably plummeted since Obama took office).

Spying on Americans.

The so-called "Republican war on women" (and everything else).

Yeah - it's his "opponents" in congress who took their "eyes off the ball"!

What a disaster! And behind the scenes he is orchestrating the "fundamental transformation of America" and shredding of our only protection against tyranny - the Constitution.

Stunning - and the media are grumbling because they want their guy to do something to deliver the UTOPIA they expected by now.

Yep, the media have seen this all before and are itching for their fearless leader to just come out and exhibit the dictator-like characteristics he has so carefully disguised full face and take it to those dastardly Republicans who have been showing all the courage of lambs. There was NO WAY Obama should have been re-elected but the Republicans and their "consultants" blew it by not eposing Obama's record, dissing conservatives, and not offering a contrast.

What a train-wreck the federal government has become and, no matter how much "We the people" rise up and protest we are threatened, profiled, stereotyped, slapped down and finally ignored.

Something has to break.

msm, liberalism, obama, tyranny

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