abc, nbc, cbs, cnn, msnbc ... mum's the word

Jul 19, 2013 10:59


Which is why liberals never want to comment on or discuss stories like:

1) Union officials are angry that, after all the support they gave Obama in his election and re-election campaigns they stand to be crushed by ObamaCare like most everyone else and they want more special treatment.

2) Another court has ruled that Obama's unilateral declaration that the Senate was in recess (when it wasn't) so he could appoint controversial radical individuals to the National Labor Relations Board and thumb his nose at the advise and consent role of Congress is UNCONSTITUTIONAL.

3) More revelations on the IRS targeting of conservative, religious and supporters of Israel groups emerge daily point to Obama political appointees and the realization that the administration LIED about it being simply the product of a couple of low level agents in Cincinnatti.

4) Another individual who ran for office in 2010, Christine O'Donnel from Delaware, was quietly informed by telephone message that her IRS files were breached and apparently private information used againt her - oh, and Attorney General Eric Holder STILL refuses to investigate and prosecute these cases.

5) We just learned that the "most transparent administration in history" individuals with first-hand knowledge of the incidents in Benghazi have been forced to sign non disclosure agreements (NDA) to prevent them from testifying to what really happened.

6) Violence and death threats from pro-Trayvon Martin individuals and groups in the wake of the george Zimmerman verdict? What violence? There are only "peaceful" protests - you know, like when the Occupy Wall Street movement was in full swing. On the other hand, if one conservative is caught raising his or her voice it is endlessly looped and the conservative movement is painted as extremist and out-of-control.

7) Pro-late-term abortion advocates screaming obscenities, exploiting little children by having them carry disgusting signs, carrying bags of urine and feces to throw at pro-life supporters and politicians? Shhhhhhhhhh ...! In today's media, standing up for the right to kill an unborn child up to the moment of birth (and sometimes after) makes you a HERO in the eyes of the liberal media.

8) Government now tracking your car by its license plate and creating data files to determine where you go? That as a citizen you have no "expectation of privacy"?

So? What's the problem, right?

Just don't describe what late term abortion really is and how it's done. That would be "over the top".
Amazing, isn't it? The national media are actively participating in an effort to hide news from the people they are supposed to serve ... to protect the president they helped to get elected and re-elected ... to hide and spin as much information damaging to his presidency as possible while constantly "reporting" in a way that damages individuals and groups with whom they disagree.

It is a trend that has only become more blatant as the bad news and scandals mount. They will simply ignore stories they know would be harmful to their side- as they did throughout the 2012 campaign - while manufacturing or pushing stories that hurt the people they want to destroy.

And sadly, if you are a liberal, most of this makes you absolutely giddy with delight - knowing your side can stick it to the people who disagree with your ideology and laugh at loud when the truth is brought out.
Such a bunch of phonies with their claims of tolerance, diversity, morality, intelligence and the search for truth.

Not today's liberals - they have a totalitarian bent and an "in your face by any means necessary" attitude and assurance they can pretty much say and do anything without repercussions.

Which is why this country is rotting at its core this very minute.

Which reminds me - another city has declared bankruptcy ... DETROIT!

Remember when Obama said if you voted for Mitt Romney that Detroit would just go bankrupt? Well I did vote for Romney and Detroit indeed has gone bankrupt.

For ONCE Obama told a truth - although even that "truth" was couched in a lie (helped to advance by the media) because Romney NEVER said to "just let Detroit go bankrupt".

But Obama did.

propaganda, msm, liberalism, censorship

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