You remember your history, right? There used to be a wall built by the Soviets in 1961 to surround and separate the dreary, backward, poor, totalitarian Soviet sector of East Berlin from the modern, thriving and free city of West Berlin.
In those days you got shot trying to escape to the West.
Twenty-six years ago President Reagan gave a speech there on his second visit to West Berlin on East-West relations and, with that wall as a backdrop, started on a hot August night almost 26 years previous, to keep people IN.
Reagan declared, "General Secretary Gorbachev, if you seek peace, if you seek prosperity for the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, if you seek liberalization: Come here to this gate! Mr. Gorbachev, open this gate! Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!"
Click to view
So today, 26 years and a week after President's famous speech, President Obama took the stage and lay a big fat dud.
And his sycophants in the media were upset - by that I mean they started making excuses:
There were only about forty-five hundred to six-thousand people in the crowd and Obama likes giant crowds to feed off.
There was a glass partition separating him from the crowd.
It was so hot.
The Sun was in his eyes and he had trouble reading his teleprompter.
The First Dog BO ate his speech - (I'm kidding).
Guess what?
When Obama spoke there in 2008 to that huge crowd:
There was a rock concert going on.
Free beer.
That "God Echo" reverb.
No one actually knew anything about him except he was black and had a nice baritone and good speech-making abilities. Little did they know that without a teleprompter and prepared notes (as in this 43 second clip from a couple of weeks ago) he sounds like this:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vw8Mzh2AsbM What a difference 5 years make. Yesterday presidents were concerned with the liberation of enslaved peoples and confronting tyranny and "the freedom of mankind". Today's occupant of the White House is concerned with attacking Christians, creating a monstrous governmental leviathan, attacking free enterprise, and promoting redistribution of wealth, the theory of global warming, and gay marriage.
Freedom v. bigger government? That's a hard choice?
By the way, Reagan didn't use teleprompters and never took off his jacket.
He gave his speeches using 4 X 6 cards with notes he'd scribbled on them.
And the press HATED him - in fact, this speech was met with derision and was deemed provocative, inflammatory and dangerous by liberals and political adversaries.
Two years later, following the example in Poland, then under Soviet control as well, on November 9, the wall came down.
What a difference 26 years later.
Obama would have done better but "The Sun was in his eyes".
How pathetic.
Shouldn't the media wear clown faces and red noses when they deliver the "news"?
Except for those like Sharyl Attkisson and James Rosen, of course, you know - the ones being harassed and spied upon by the government for actually doing their jobs?