otc abortion pills now available to little girls thanks to obama

Jun 12, 2013 13:09


Now you'd think a story this huge would have extensive coverage but most news outlets barely mentioned it and ABC just ignored the announcement.

They did run a story on women wearing high heels with bad feet so I guess they have their priorities straight.

Of course what would you expect from networks that censored news of the "House of Horrors" abortion clinic in Philadelphia?

Spying on Americans.

The persecution of conservatives by agencies of the Federal government.

Lying to the American people about the slaughter of 4 Americans.

The targeting of reporters who dare report news by the Obama administration and Justice Department.

A massive propaganda campaign of disinformation to (eventually) add millions of illegal immigrants to the Democrat voter rolls.

People who have been here for many generations, who believe in the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the sanctity of life, liberty and personal responsibility, people who have built this country and basically fund it are now officially second class citizens and there are people in power who are collecting data on them at a furious pace while they can.

You can recognize a lot of them because they mock you and call you paranoid and say you're 'fear-mongering" when you speak about the exact same things that are now being reported on a daily basis by a conflicted media that actually endorses most of what is being done but has been shamed into at least addressing it. The same ones who were almost hysterical at the suggestion the previous president was legally tracking phone calls from known terrorists originating overseas.

You see, all that liberal outrage was baloney as is evident by the defending of the present president for engaging in spying on a level that makes the tactics they were screaming about look like playground stuff. Even George Orwell would be astounded.

The fundamental transformation of America ... happening right before our eyes.

But don't let on you know ... or are concerned. Someone may be watching, or listening, or someone you know might just be a snitcher.

media, obama, spying, liberalsim, abortion

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