waking up to what obamacare means yet?

Feb 24, 2013 17:13


Gee, what people called "fear-mongering" when we tried to educate people on what was coming is now today's REALITY. And guess what? Reality sucks!

With more and more people getting their "free coverage" states like California and Florida are already whining that there won't be enough physicians to treat them so expect longer waits for inferior treatment.



Big surprise, huh? Especially when a huge percentage of doctors questioned said they might just opt for early retirement should ObamaCare become the law of the land.

But isn't it funny how blue states, unions, and liberals are screaming the loudest!

And yes, just as we warned, rationing, "death panels", and difficulty in getting doctors to treat MediCare and medicare patients for nickels on the dollar are coming to a city near you soon ... if they aren't there already. And those hospitals that want to stay off Obama's "naughty list"?

The LESS they spend on OLD PEOPLE the better they rate. In fact, if a senior is hospitalized once and returns within thirty days the hospital will get a BIG OBAMA FROWNY FACE!


Translation - if hospitals do knee-replacements, health surgeries, other "scarce resource" procedures Obama's "death panel" deems a waste - they will be fined.

Oh, well - pain pills and wheelchairs are cheap - right?

Tell THAT grandma and grandpa! Maybe you should suggest they sign up for one of those "living wills" that specify they want to be "allowed to die" if they get really sick. I'm sure Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid have left such instructions.

And on it goes:

Unions that supported ObamaCare are whining and want government subsidies because they're experiencing sticker shock.

Businesses, educational institutions, and even governmental entities are either not hiring or are reducing hours to avoid costly health care costs.

Students are getting an education in the real world as their own insurance rates skyrocket ... as are their parents.

I could go on but you can research it all for yourself - if you haven't been impacted yet.

Don't expect the in-the-tank-for-Obama media to tell you.

The "fundamental transformation of America" - it's here and things are only going to get worse.

Meanwhile, add Facebook as another billion dollar Obama pal corporation NOT ONLY not paying taxes but getting a half-billion dollar "refund".

And the hilarious part is people actually VOTED for it.

Better start treating grandma nice, friends. She ain't going to be happy when she finds out what you tricked her into doing. And don't even think about explaining all this to grandpa.

liberalism, obamacare

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