Title: Carnivale
Pairing: femme!Stein/femme!Spirit
Words: ~2,400
Genre: Pastfic, genderswap
Rating: PG-13, but bear in mind Stein's hobbies. Some might find a few sections kinda squicky.
Spoilers: None.
Other Notes: This is another one of
hiza_chan requests for the genderswap meme, and this one is much better than the last attempt. AHAHAHAHAHA, this
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Comments 4
So, I said I was excited but that was SO BRILLIANT. Stein is so delightfully creepy and her thought process is such a treat. Shit, the way she thinks- They're both so in character even though this is genderswitch and slutty!Spirit is complete and utter WIN and oh my god, I have to reread this. It's too good. God, I can't get over how awesome Stein is in this, and ya, it's a little bit squicky, but it's a GOOD squicky and the little details absolutely made this.
“You’re thinking something weird again, aren’t you?”
“Yeah.” Stein nodded agreeably, but the twisted little smile didn’t recede. “I am.” OH MY GOD. LOVE LOVE LOVE.
And if Spirit hadn’t been out for the last few hours? If she’d stayed home and gone quietly to bed earlier in the evening, then what?
It wouldn’t have been rats, then, would it? This line sent chills down my back, honestly. And then Spirit being so scared but at the same time interested and their interaction together is just PERFECT. And uh, I'm just gonna be over here rereading this for a little
Spirit's behavior seems more normal in a genderswitch, while Stein ends up seeming way, WAY more insane; I think that's interesting. Also, yes, I totally admit that I based some of Spirit's female design on Maka-- hence the plaid skirt and pigtails.
(I also assume that Spirit probably had a similar ability to Soul in that he (or in this case, she) could turn part of his(/her)self into the scythe blade; I think it's a safe bet to assume that there were many reasons Stein chose to work on Spirit when he was out cold. Heh.)
This was a LOT of fun, so thank you!
I've thought about this a lot while writing. Spirit's flaky, overly-dramatic, and slutty...which are all traits that are thought of as being stereotypically feminine flaws, unfortunately. Meanwhile, Stein's version of psychopathy comes off as being bad in a man and simply ugly in a woman, possibly because it goes so strongly against that whole "women are compassionate nurturers!" idea.
Another weird one is Marie. Male!Marie would be really strange to me.
(I also note that Marie and Azusa would likely be a much more popular yaoi pairing than it is a yuri one, and that I might actually like Marie/Stein if their sexes were just switched. This last preference is likely just my own subconscious sexism showing, though.)
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