Title: All the King’s Horses, Part II
Fandom(s): Supernatural, Criminal Minds
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Dean, Hotch, Rossi, Morgan, Prentiss, J.J., Reid, Garcia
Summary: Protect and Serve. Fidelity, Bravery, Integrity. To what lengths would you go to uphold those oaths? When it comes to a particularly brutal and seemingly unsolvable case, the
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Comments 53
I loved how you portrayed everyone ; I don't watch CM, only saw enough to know who's who, but I loved that the focus was on them and not SPN.
But I feel like Dean deserves to be recognized from them...Like, they have to KNOW he saved the world...
Are you going to write a sequel ? That'd be just awesome. Come on, this screams for sequel(s) !
Well, hi from France :) *sends cheese*
As for a sequel, hmm. I hadn't actually thought about it. I would certainly love to do more in the CM/SPN universe. So maybe!
Eh bien, j'adore la France. J'y suis allée deux fois (la première fois je suis allée à Grenoble et Lyon, et la deuxième, j'ai visité Paris, Lyon, Avignon, Orange, Marseille, et ma ville favorite, Annecy), et j'ai pris la langue pour cinq ans. Votre pays entier est magnifique, et j'espère que je peux retourner bientôt!
J'habite à Montpellier, pas très loin de Marseilles :). Je suis originaire d'Orléans (as-tu visité les chateaux de la loire ?).
I've lived in the US for a year last year, in Michigan, and although I love France there is SO MUCH I miss from the US. Maybe we should trade houses for a month or something lol !
That was fabulous (I would love to see more!)
And thanks!
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