Remus and Tonks, and the Deathly Hallows

Jul 23, 2007 11:32

So, the wait is finally over, and Deathly Hallows has hit the shelves, and lots of us now know how the story ends and what the fates of our favourite characters were.

And there’s lots to discuss - but here we’ll be focusing on the Remus/Tonks elements, and what their story during DH means for you as a writer and reader of R/T fic, an R/T artist, or as a fan.

And obviously there will be spoilers here, so proceed with caution.

So how are you doing?

Still in shock? Reeling? Happy with the way things turned out?

Obviously there’s lots to discuss about Remus and Tonks in the context of this book, and we’ll discuss various plot elements perhaps at a later date, but we thought we’d start with a general discussion about how you felt as you read.

So the question is simply: what did you think about their story in Deathly Hallows?

We know some of you will be angry, and some of you will be sad, and some of you will have loved it - and we want to hear from all of you - but we’d like to ask you to abide by a couple of rules during this discussion. The first is that you refrain from JKR-bashing - after all, it’s her book, they’re her characters, and we should respect that. The second is that you remain cordial with each other, even if you have opposing views - this is really no time for fighting amongst ourselves.

We’d like to take this opportunity, too, to say a bit about what this means to metamorfic_moon as a community.

Obviously, we’re gutted that Remus and Tonks are no longer around - but that doesn’t mean we’re going to disappear. Remus and Tonks had a very busy year during DH, and there are so many stories left to tell from OoTP and HBP (not to mention that the Potterverse seems to have a pretty active afterlife) - and we really want you to tell them, and for you to have a place to share them here.

So grieve, rant, try and take your copy back or find a silver-lining… but keep writing R/T, because we want to read it.

discussion, deathly hallows

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