Title: What to Say
shimotsukiFormat and Word Count: Ficlet, 897
Rating: G
Prompt: "Say Yes"
Summary: Remus worries that Tonks might have grand expectations.
Author's note: The Donne poem Remus has chosen is "Love's Growth."
Genre: Romantic comedy
What to Say )
Comments 42
I like the little details in this piece- you've done a great job with showing the vibrance and excitement of a new romance.
Well done!
I love the discussion at the beginning. :) It's cool how they know about muggle historical and literary figures.
Oh, I just love the last line of this. ^_^ Or paragraph, rather. ;) It's really sweet; made me smile.
What struck me the most was your characterisation of Tonks, and the little actions you threw in that seems to fit her so very well; particularly the image of her swinging their hands as they walked.
A perfect Valentine's fic, which I enjoyed very much. Thank you. :)
Donne's love poems are some of my favorites. What a great idea for Remus to share one with Tonks! And the one you chose is so appropriate: Methinks I lied all winter, when I swore/My love was infinite, if spring make it more. *sigh*
I loved the line: " For one wild moment he actually found himself considering the battered half-bar of Honeydukes' chocolate in his other pocket, on hand in case of an encounter with a dementor."
That's very Remus, and I almost feel sorry for the poor guy. :(
Excellent work. :D
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