Title: We Three Kings
gilpin25Format: Fic
Rating & Warnings: PG13 (language by stressed characters).
Prompts: Sweets; sledging (or sledding, if you're in the US).
Word Count: 11,744
Summary: In the days leading up to Christmas at Grimmauld Place, 1995, three people see the relationship between Remus and Tonks through very different eyes.
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Comments 44
I'd love to read a sequel when Remus opens all his gifts and discovers that they're all gloves!
Oh, and thank you for making Molly just a bit of a voyeur. The ending was sweet.
Hmmm...I was feeling a bit peckish earlier but as I've been baking a lot recently, I've licked my share of beaters, utensils not Quiddich players, and am quite full. =)
Thank you for such a lovely review - can't tell you what a relief it was to see this.:D
You did such a fab job I'm sure you'll get many more glowing reviews. It's obvious that you put a lot into it, trying a new POV and all and much as I enjoy a good drabble, there's nothing like reading a story with a bit of meat on it.
I may have to call you Molly in future. Though I'm not quite sure she'll approve of licking beaters. I suppose it's all right as long as you don't mess up her tea towels. ;)
there's nothing like reading a story with a bit of meat on it.
I did think I should also warn that people might actually miss Christmas wading through all this, LOL. I ought to try a drabble one day but I really don't know how people do them.
Thank you again. And feel free to send some baking this way. ;)
I loved the different point of views, although I think I enjoyed Molly's the best. There just aren't enough stories where she is in the limelight, and it was great to hear her "stuffy thoughts" for once.
Got to get this last bit right. I’m trying to say that, frankly, it’s just sense. But the words insist on running together again and what comes out sounds more like: “Frankincense.”
I loved that line. :) And I noticed that you included Gold (the cake), Frankincense (the line), and Myrrh (the perfume shop scene). ;)
Also very pleased you liked the Frankincense line because it was my biggest nightmare. It was reading that Ron had bought perfume for Hermione which made me think of tying that in with Myrrh, and there was any number of options for Gold, but what do you do with gum resin?! Couldn't imagine anyone gift wrapping that for Christmas, somehow. So the only way was to get Sirius on the mulled wine, but I was concerned it would come across as contrived. Because it was. ;)
Why did you have to make Remus so positively adorable? Why? :D
I suppose I could do another section from Snape's POV. That might change things!
Thank you. Especially for liking Frankincense. :)
I seem to have been tried and convicted for that, simply because I was there. Story of my life, really.
And very glad you found Molly endearing - I kept worrying she'd got the biggest part and would read as the least interesting. As well as being food obsessed! So I'm very pleased she didn't come across like that to you, and many thanks again for such a lovely review.
I'm delighted that you liked this. Thank you for reviewing.
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