Title: Tonks' Tale
kuri333Rating & Warnings: M in later chapters
Format & Word Count: Fic, ~200,000
Summary: On the life of one Metamorphmagus called Nymphadora.
Originally posted in fanfiction.net under the same title. I'll just post the first chapter here. For the whole story you can go
here. Enjoy
Chapter 1: She was sulking in her room )
Comments 3
Tonks is definitely cut out to be an Auror if she can Stun her dad with her accidental magic, though!
I'm glad you posted the link to the whole story. 200,000 words is quite a project! But I really hope to have a chance to read some more over the holidays.
If you get a chance to read more of that, I apologise in advance for any possible mistake. I've checked the chapters many times but still sometimes I fail to spot major things.
Glad you posted it here for meta.
Enjoying it.
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