Sweet Beginnings (3/4)

Jan 10, 2011 00:42

Title: Sweet Beginnings (3/4)
Author: chococoffeekiss
Rating & Warnings: Rated T/PG for language and a little bit of innuendo, Non-Magical American Modern AU
Prompt(s): hot chocolate
Format & Word Count: Chaptered, 2,402/approx. 7500
Summary: Love's labors pay minimum wage; Tonks is a barista by day, ninja by night. Remus writes, or tries to. Sirius levels up ( Read more... )

romance, chococoffeekiss, humour, winter hallows advent

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Comments 8

shimotsuki January 11 2011, 04:58:38 UTC
AWWW. These two are so smitten! And I love the way Remus knew perfectly well Tonks had a bag of frozen vegetables to hand...

I don't think I've mentioned how the idea of Sirius as a video-game addict cracks me up.


chococoffeekiss January 13 2011, 03:17:01 UTC
I don't think I've mentioned how the idea of Sirius as a video-game addict cracks me up.

He seems like the type. XD


bway_love January 11 2011, 08:22:09 UTC
I LOVE IT SO MUCH. have i mentioned i love it so much?! i could read this for many many more chapters. love how carefully you've worked out all the details of this world, it's so fully fleshed out and compelling. and love the contriving of them coming together in all these different circumstances and circling around one another!!


philotic_net January 12 2011, 16:18:09 UTC
The Weasleys would totally drive an old beater station wagon. Tonks is a Ninja Warrior woman, I heart Olive Garden, and hellz yeah this universe is awesome. Also, Neil Gaiman is inexplicably attractive. But Remus is still better :)


philotic_net January 12 2011, 16:18:50 UTC
oooh, forgot to mention, I thought those were AWESOME super hero names.


chococoffeekiss January 13 2011, 03:20:05 UTC
Also, Neil Gaiman is inexplicably attractive.

That he is. XD

But Remus is still better :)

Well, of course! Thank you again for your reviews, they really made my day today!


sspring92 January 13 2011, 05:09:48 UTC
Ok, Remus at the Olive garden and writing youth fiction. rotflmao! My 1st thought was , "Please, Please don't let him be writing Twillight!"
Sirius texting also one of my new favorite images!


lillyloo11 August 27 2011, 07:23:11 UTC
this is great! I looove how smitten Remus is. Also the Minnie McG thing is freaking hilarious. What an awesome AU you've created!


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