Title: Only What You Need (1/4)
chococoffeekissRating & Warnings: PG for drinking, language, innuendo and abuse of prescription medication.
Prompt: Angst/Humour and Dragon (sort-of, I tried!)
Format & Word Count: chaptered fic, 1201/approx. 4000
Summary: After the loss of a friend, the Order's two token shapeshifting freaks find comfort in the bottom of
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Comments 4
And Tonks is so bad-ass <3 I love it.
You give them such chemistry and personality with ease that everything just seems to flow! I'm really looking forward to seeing the next chapter
Hopefully I can get all the chapters up before deadline, I keep finding things that are wrong with it, but your review really made me feel better about this. :)
*hugs you*
And Remus snapping those guitar strings is such an excellent image!
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