Title: Projectiles Gone Wild
train_lindzRatings: PG for the use of the word arse.
Format & Word Count: Drabble - 380
Prompts: Bewitched snowballs and “It is our choices that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” (CoS)
Summary: Tonks thought that Snape was being deliberately unhelpful but it wasn't her place to say anything about it.
Author's Note: This was written really quick as my week seems to be running away with me. Apologies as it is rushed.
Tonks was watching out the window as Snape hurried down the icy steps of Grimmauld Place and had never been so glad to see him go. She couldn’t help the feeling that she had that Snape was being deliberately unhelpful when presenting his report about the Death Eaters plans. Something on a grander scale is coming, though I am not included on the plans and am unaware of the intended outcome, her arse. Once or twice she had opened her mouth to protest and call Snape a barrage of inappropriate names, but Remus had squeezed her hand under the table, silencing her with a touch. Dumbledore had simply nodded and thanked Snape for his contribution while she was shocked into silence.
She wanted to hit them both. Or transfigure them into snowmen. Whichever came first.
Snape strode into the courtyard and appeared to be preparing to disapparate when a snowball hit him in the back of the head. He spun round and his eyes widened. Tonks angled herself against the window to look and giggled when she saw what Snape saw. No fewer than fifty snowballs were hovering in the air in the direct path of where he was standing. Snape took a step backwards and immediately the horde of snowballs flew at him, several making contact before he vanished into mid air.
Tonks giggled and walked away from the window and directly into a solid body, knocking her to the floor.
Remus helped to lift her off the floor and back on to her rocky feet “What were you laughing at?”
“Snape was attacked by a barrage of rogue snowballs as he left.”
“Is that so? I can’t say that I’m that surprised. Severus was always known during our Hogwarts days for attracting flying projectiles of all sorts. Must be some sort of magnetism.” Remus twirled his wand between his fingers with his words and Tonks raised an eyebrow, “Did you have anything to do with that, Remus?”
As he put his wand back into his pocket he said, “Of course not. I’m an educator. I am far too quiet and demure for such antics. Though if I did do it, I would think that fifty would be a good round number of snowballs for an adequate pelting, wouldn't you agree?”